
  • holiday resort;Parks & Resorts;Vacation Resort
  1. 湄洲岛国家旅游度假区生命周期规律分异探讨

    Study on the Differences of the Life Cycle of Meizhou National Holiday Resort

  2. 旅游度假区的发展趋势与规划特点

    The Development Trend of the Tourist Holiday Resort

  3. GIS在生态旅游区信息管理中的应用&以宜君县福地湖旅游度假区为例

    The application of GIS to information management in ecotourism region

  4. 地理信息系统(GIS)与全球定位系统(GPS)在游客调查中的应用&以长春净月潭旅游度假区为例

    Using GIS and GPS for tourist investigating

  5. 新剧院有1200个座位,是投资55亿美元的宏大的上海迪士尼度假区(ShanghaiDisneyResort)里的重要景点。该度假区周四开放(6月16日)。

    The theater is an anchor of the colossal $ 5.5 billion Shanghai Disney Resort , which opened on Thursday .

  6. 这个价值77亿美元的度假区,是由北京一家国有公司和美国康卡斯特NBC环球公司共同投资的。

    The 7.7 billion resort is an investment by a Beijing-based state-owned company and America 's Comcast NBCUniversal .

  7. 《多莉去哪儿》(FindingDory)票房大卖和上海迪士尼度假区开业都对股价回升起到了促进作用。

    Blockbuster results for " Finding Dory " at the box office helped , as did the opening of Shanghai Disneyland .

  8. 基于CorelDraw的旅游规划图设计与制作&以天方富硒村旅游度假区为例

    Designing and Making Tourism Plan Map Bassed on CorelDraw

  9. 旅游业:崂山区拥有丰富的自然资源,区内拥有石老人国家旅游度假区、崂山国家4A级风景名胜区,旅游业发展前景广阔。

    Tourism : Laoshan is rich in natural resources , Shilaoren National Tour Resort and Laoshan National4A Grade Scenic Spot are located in this district .

  10. 我国西部地区开发旅游度假区的RMP分析&以西安曲江旅游度假区为例

    The RMP Analysis of Holiday Tourism Exploitation in Western China & A Case Study in QuJiang Xi'an Resort

  11. SudOuest报纸报道称,LamKok想要把这个法国城堡建筑改造成高端度假区和温泉浴室,迎合葡萄酒喜好者的口味

    Kok wanted to turn the spectacular chateau building into a high-end resort and spa catering to wine enthusiasts , the newspaper said .

  12. 被誉为天下第一滩、东方夏威夷、青岛后花园-威海银滩,它还是国家AAAA级旅游度假区。

    Known as the best in the world beach , the East Hawaii , the back garden , Qingdao-Weihai Silver Beach , It is also the State AAAA-class tourist resort .

  13. 它们为境况不佳的欧洲企业,包括瑞典汽车制造商沃尔沃(Volvo)、意大利轮胎制造商倍耐力(Pirelli)、法国度假区运营商地中海俱乐部(ClubMed)和希腊比雷埃夫斯的港口提供了新的资金来源。

    They have provided a source of fresh capital for ailing European enterprises , like the Swedish carmaker Volvo , the Italian tire maker Pirelli , the French resort operator Club Med , and the port in Piraeus , Greece .

  14. 这家合资企业将在万达107个商用物业设立电子商务服务网点。这些物业既包括购物中心万达广场(WandaPlaza),也包括度假区。万达称这些物业为“中国最大的线下消费平台”,预计今年访客将达15亿人次。

    The venture will set up ecommerce services in Wanda 's 107 commercial real estate properties , including Wanda Plaza shopping malls and resorts , which the company called " the largest offline consumption platform in China , " with 1.5bn visitors expected this year .

  15. 江宁方山风景旅游度假区绿化规划

    The greening plan for Fangshan Mountain Holiday Tourism Area of Jiangning

  16. 对江苏旅游度假区建设与开发的思考

    The Thought of the Construction in Jiangsu Resorts and their Exploitation

  17. 营口滨海旅游度假区海水环境现状及评价

    Survey of Water Pollutant in Tourism Area at Yingkou Sea Line

  18. 旅游度假区有两种类型:集中型和离散型。

    There are two types of tourist resort : concentrated and dispersed .

  19. 论滨海旅游度假区规划中的资源保护与开发

    The Protection and Development of Resources in the Coastal Tourism Resort Design

  20. 湛江湾红树林海滨生态旅游度假区的规划初探

    A Preliminary Plan for the Seashore Mangrove Ecotourism Resort in Zhanjiang Bay

  21. 基于地方人文资源背景下的旅游度假区规划设计浅析

    Preliminary Analysis of Tourist Resorts under the Background of Local Humanity Resources

  22. 三亚亚龙湾旅游度假区冰蓄冷区域供冷技术的应用

    Technology application of ice-storage district cooling in Sanya Yalong Bay Resort District

  23. 有关旅游度假区中外研究的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis on Research about Domestic and International Tourism Resorts

  24. 上海佘山国家旅游度假区废弃采石坑综合利用

    Comprehensive utilization of Abandoned Quarries in Shanghai National Holiday Resort

  25. 国内旅游度假区开发与管理分析

    On the Development and Management of Tourist Holiday Resorts in the Country

  26. 旅游度假区环境影响的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on Environmental Impact Assessment of Tourism and Holiday Development Zone

  27. 这个度假区将给游客一种身临其境的参观体验,

    The resort will give tourists an immersive visiting experience ,

  28. 环球影城度假区还包括了反映中国文化遗产而特别创造的独特体验。

    it will include experiences designed to reflect China 's cultural heritage .

  29. 另外还传出兴建大型海滩度假区的计划。

    There was also talk about building huge beach resorts .

  30. 基于季节性特征考虑的旅游度假区规划策略探讨

    Study on planning strategies of tourist holiday resort area focusing on seasonality problem