
  • 网络Lake Pontchartrain
  1. 我卖掉庞恰特雷恩湖的别墅。

    I sold the summer house on Lake Pontchartrain .

  2. 那是在庞恰特雷恩湖拍的。

    At the summer house on Lake Pontchartrain .

  3. 今天早上,我们从新奥尔良获悉,美国海岸卫队停止了在庞恰特雷恩湖搜索失踪的美国海军飞行员的工作。

    And we 're getting word out of New Orleans this morning that the U.S. Coast Guard has ed its search in Lake Pontchartrain for a missing U.S. Navy pilot .

  4. 为了降低新奥尔良附近河流的水位,政府官员正在将密西西比河的淡水疏导到庞恰特雷恩湖当中。

    In order to reduce the river level around New Orleans , officials are directing some of the freshwater of the Mississippi through the Bonnet Carre spillway northwest of the city into Lake Ponchartrain , a brackish-water lake that is connected with the Gulf of Mexico .