
  1. 比勒费尔德应用科技大学的数学与电子科学学院教授,JörnLoviscach从09年就开始将自己的课程发布到YouTube上。

    J ö rn Loviscach , a professor of mathematics and computer science in Bielefeld , has been putting his lectures on YouTube since 2009 .

  2. 把博客技术应用于大学英语教学,尝试在CMC环境下利用过程法进行写作教学。

    It sets out to apply Blog technology into college English teaching environment . Specifically , it attempts to apply process approach into writing instruction under CMC context .

  3. MCAI课件应用于大学理科教学中的课堂教学、自学和辅导、复习总结和单元测验以及教学中的数据处理。

    MCAI course can be applied to classroom teaching , self-culture , tutorship , review , summarizing , unit examination and teaching data processing in the university science teaching .

  4. 研究者已经开发出一种工具使其方程能在将来付诸实施:应用密歇根大学的HERCULES(大力神)激光在极小的规模上完成。

    The researchers have developed a tool to put their equations into practice in the future on a very small scale using the HERCULES laser at U-M.

  5. 本文还综合阐述了企业CI的概念、内容、应用;大学CI的基本理论和应用;以及两者之间的关系,深入探讨和分析大学导入CI战略塑造品牌形象的具体问题。

    This paper also expounds the enterprises CI comprehensive concept , content , application , University of basic theory and application of CI , And the relationship between the two , in-depth discussion and analysis of college introduction CI strategy shape brand image of specific issues .

  6. 主要从德国应用科学大学(FH)的形成发展及人才培养模式角度,介绍了德国应用科学大学(FH)的应用型特色,提出了中国高等教育应该由研究型为主向应用型为主转变的观点。

    Having introduced the application characteristics of German University of Applied Sciences ( FH ) in terms of its historical development and cultivation module , this paper raises the point of view that Chinese higher education should focus on application instead of research .

  7. 应用型大学;管理人才;激励约束。

    Application-oriented university ; management staff ; incentive and restrictive mechanism .

  8. 国外应用型大学实践教学体系与基地建设

    The Practice Teaching System and Its Basement Construction of Applied Universities Abroad

  9. 输入理论应用于大学英语教学的一次实验

    An experiment of applying input theory to college English teaching

  10. 成长档案袋应用于大学英语写作的实证研究

    An Empirical Study of Applying Portfolio to College English Writing

  11. 浅谈橡塑保温材料在空调系统施工中的应用北京大学红楼空调系统设计与施工解析

    Application of Rubber Insulation Material in the Air Conditioning Construction

  12. 应用型大学学报与应用型大学建设结合机制的研究

    Combined Mechanism Between the Construction of an Applied University and Its Journal

  13. 任务教学法应用于大学英语教学中应注意的几点问题

    Major Problems in Task-based Language Approach Applied in the College English Teaching

  14. 教育目的是应用型大学思想政治理论课教学理念的归宿。

    And the aim of education is the destination of this idea .

  15. 因此,基于网络的合作学习能够应用于大学英语写作教学中。

    Therefore , it can be used in college English writing instruction .

  16. 任务语言教学法应用于大学英语课堂教学的实践研究

    An experiment study on the task-based language teaching approach into English classroom teaching

  17. 应用型大学重点学科内涵探讨

    Analyses on the Intension Important Discipline of Applied University

  18. 概念语法隐喻应用于大学英语写作的效应分析

    An Effect Research on Application of Ideational Grammatical Metaphor in College English Writing

  19. 应用性大学的学科与专业建设思考

    Analyses on the Discipline and Profession of Applied University

  20. 建设应用性大学,学报应做些什么

    What Journals Should Do for Building Applied Oriented University

  21. 应用型大学本科教育质量评价指标体系研究

    Study on the Evaluation Index System of Undergraduate Education Quality in Application-oriented College

  22. 应用型大学学报的功能定位分析

    Function position analysis of applied oriented university journals

  23. 应用同济大学HPIAS-1000高清晰度彩色病理图文分析系统镜下采集图像并分析。

    The image-analysis software of TONGJI HPIAS-1000 system was used to analyse the images .

  24. 对应用型大学的课程改革进行了分析与实践。

    Curriculum reform at application-oriented universities is concerned .

  25. 交际法应用于大学英语教学探究

    Probing into Communication Methodology for College English Teaching

  26. 背诵策略应用于大学英语教学实证研究实证研究。

    A study of the effects of Recitation on College Students English studies applied research .

  27. 关于应用型大学饭店管理专业教学模式改革的思考

    Thoughts about the Reform of Teaching Mode in the Hotel Management Major of Applied-type Universities

  28. 新型评价方式应用于大学英语口试的研究

    A Study of Applying New Forms of Assessment to the Oral Test of College English

  29. 库尔应用科技大学:建筑学和土木工程学士学位课程

    University of Applied Science HTW chur : bachelor degree course in architecture and in Civil Engineering

  30. 此软件主要应用于大学本科生过程控制系统课程的实验。

    This software applies chiefly in the field of undergraduate course experiment of process control system .