
yìnɡ yònɡ jì shù wèi xīnɡ
  • application technology satellite
  1. 该平台可用于卫星轨道预报的地面测试及分析,应用数据库技术进行卫星及观察站点的管理。

    Database is used to manage the satellites and position of observers . This platform is applied for ground test and analysis of orbital prediction .

  2. 应用MEMS技术加快微小卫星及微卫星的发展

    Development of Small satellite and Micro-satellite Speed up By MEMS Technology

  3. 通过该方案,可以得到应用DS扩频技术进行卫星重叠通信时DS扩频信号中心频率位置选择、带宽设置和给定条件下的可实现的最大重叠容量。

    Applying the project the center frequency position , bandwidth and maximum capacity under given conditions were got . Also the computer simulations were done .