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xù yán
  • preamble;preface;introduction;foreword;prologue;foreward;exordium
序言 [xù yán]
  • [preface;foreward;indroduction] 同序文

序言[xù yán]
  1. 首先写序言,接下来是内容的主体部分,然后作简短的总结。

    Give an introduction , followed by the body of the material , then a brief summary .

  2. 埃伦·马洛斯在她为《家务政治学》一书所作的序言中对这些争论进行了总结。

    Ellen Malos , in her introduction to ' The Politics of Housework ' , provides a summary of the debates .

  3. 条约的宗旨已在序言中说明。

    The aims of the treaty are stated in its preamble .

  4. 这本小说的序言是以报纸报道的形式写的。

    The prologue to the novel is written in the form of a newspaper account .

  5. 序言对全书内容作了一个概述。

    The preface gives an overview of the book 's contents .

  6. 这个问题在序言中已粗略地提到了。

    The subject has been referred to cursorily in the preface .

  7. 作者们在序言中承认处于市场的目的他们包含有“Agile”。

    The authors admit in the preface that they included " Agile " for marketing purposes .

  8. 警告:marshal()方法生成的XML流包含XML序言(prolog)。

    One caveat : the XML stream generated by the marshal () method contains the XML prolog .

  9. n.前言;引语作者在这本书的序言里说什么?

    preface What did the writer say in the preface of the book ?

  10. 她同时也为这期杂志写了序言——今后她还会为每一期V杂志写东西哦!

    The 24-year-old entertainer also wrote the inaugural column for the magazine - Gaga will share her thoughts in each new issue of V !

  11. 我会在探讨factorial函数时再深入介绍此序言(prologue)的意义所在。

    I will discuss what the prologue does when we examine the factorial function .

  12. 霍布斯鲍姆的独特之处在于他同时拥有这两种世界观。他在自己1997年的文集《论历史》(OnHistory)的序言中写道,史学家必须以(事实)为起点,无论他们最终会走多远。

    Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end .

  13. 霍布斯鲍姆的独特之处在于他同时拥有这两种世界观。他在自己1997年的文集《论历史》(OnHistory)的序言中写道,“史学家必须以(事实)为起点,无论他们最终会走多远”。

    Both world views characterise Hobsbawm , who wrote in the preface to his 1997 essay collection On History that facts provide " the point from which historians must start , however far from it they may end . "

  14. 我希望你们不要忽略掉John,Ray,Jr,写的序言,我希望你们读一下那些斜体的序言。

    And I urge you not to neglect the foreword by John Ray Jr. , so I hope you read it , the little italicized foreword .

  15. 在唐纳德礠朗普(DonaldTrump)的其中一本自助指南《如何致富》(HowtoGetRich)的序言中,他提醒我们市面上有“无数本如何致富的书”由百万富翁撰写。

    In the preface to How to Get Rich , one of Donald Trump 's self-help manuals , he reminds us there are " countless how-to-get-rich books " by millionaires .

  16. 现实中的凯恩斯勋爵(LordKeynes)曾在两次世界大战之间那段时期作过一系列经济思想入门书籍的编辑,并为这些书籍编写了共用的序言。

    The real Lord Keynes was the editor of a series of interwar elementary guides to economic ideas , which had a common introduction edited by the master .

  17. 在一篇序言中他以文字确认上帝(参阅logos)后,他提出了从耶稣生平和圣职人员选出的一些事件。

    After a prologue in which he identifies God with the Word ( logos ), he offers selected episodes from Jesus'life and ministry .

  18. 函数在函数开始过程中(称为函数序言(functionprologue))创建堆栈帧,并在函数结束时(称为函数尾声(functionepilogue))销毁它。

    Functions create the stack frame during the beginning of the function ( called the function prologue ) and tear it down at the end of a function ( called the function epilogue ) .

  19. POCSAG码的格式由一个序言和一个或多个批次的码字。

    The POCSAG code format consists of a preamble and one or more batches of codewords .

  20. 正如前面介绍的一样,这段代码非常简单,并不需要序言和尾声代码,使用简化ABI就完全可以。

    As mentioned , this code is simple enough that it doesn 't need prologue and epilogue code and is perfectly fine using the simplified ABI .

  21. 在Xerces-C++2.2(或XML4C5.1)之前的发行版中,解析器只对序言和后记进行美化。

    In releases prior to Xerces-C + + 2.2 ( or XML4C5.1 ), the parser only pretty-prints the prologue and the epilogue .

  22. 就像她的儿子安东尼·彭罗斯(AntonyPenrose)在这本书的序言中说的那样:“进入我们头脑中的创伤性画面永远没有清除键。”安东尼是在米勒嫁给英国超现实主义艺术家罗兰德·彭罗斯爵士(SirRolandPenrose)后生的孩子。

    As Antony Penrose , her son from her marriage to Sir Roland Penrose , the British Surrealist artist , writes in the book 's introduction , " There is no erase button for the traumatic images that enter our minds . "

  23. 本文的分析针对三个电子语料库,即英文售书广告语料库(CBA)、写于1900年前的英文书籍序言语料库(CBP1)和写于2000年后的英文书籍序言语料库(CBP2)展开。

    Three electronic corpora , namely , the corpus of English book advertisements ( CBA ), the corpus of English book prefaces written before the year 1900 ( CBPl ), and the corpus of English book prefaces written after the year 2000 ( CBP2 ) are exploited for analysis .

  24. 固液界面吸附机制与模型&环境水质学前沿专栏序言

    Mechanism and models of adsorption process on solid / water interface

  25. 他在序言中如是写道,因为这就是这本书的真正意义。

    ' Because that 's what this book is really about .

  26. 在面向美国的版本里,序言被彻底删除了。

    For the US version , the preface was removed entirely .

  27. 第二部分主要论述家谱序言中蕴含的孝道。

    The second part mainly discusses pedigree preface is filial piety .

  28. 前边一页是这本书的序言。

    The preface to this book is on the preceding page .

  29. 十诫的序言教导我们什么?

    What does the preface to the ten commandments teach us ?

  30. 本论文由序言、正文、结语组成。

    The thesis is composed by preface , text and conclusion .