
This paper introduces the problems and resolving method as the point 's coordinate picked by user transferred to this mapping mode when developing graph interaction program with mapping model transferring using VC + + 6.0 .
The input JiBX binding treats the child elements as an unordered set , calling a set-method specific to the type of element each time a child element is unmarshalled .
The improvements on the calculating methods of the average of hour sequences
Thoughts on how to Calculate Class Midpoint and Chronological Average
Is a chronological record of business transactions .
Two Simple Approaches for Synthesizing Evaluation of Economic Benefit ── The Method of Time-Series Multiattribute Decision
Class midpoint and chronological average both are one of the most important concepts in statistics .
The Analytic Hierarchy Process for Multiple Attribute Decision Making with Time Series THE CALCULATION OF DYNAMIC MEAN
But when it is also chaotic , it causes pain and suffering and calls for attention .
The calculation of dynamic mean
When you are writing a program , it is always clear and self-evident what you are trying to do .
Article 23 The account books to be established by a business are general chronological book and general ledger book .
A loose-leaf book and special columnar system may be adopted for chronological book or ledger book based on actual needs ;
Fuzzy analytical method for the multi-attribute decision making with time series The Fuzzy Angle Optimal Approach for Time Sequence Multiple Object
Significant internal control areas and personnel control and management focus . Thirdly , when the continuous supervision and control to achieve order .
When a massive proto-star approaches the main sequence , its surface temperature is low and it can not ionize the ambient gas .
This paper introduces the methods of calculating the dynamic means according to all sorts of time series , and expounds the interrelation of these methods .
Anthony Pym , when editing the special issue of The Translator : The Return to Ethics suggested that the translation studies returned to questions of ethics .
The clinical score was performed in each rat every day by two observers with the double-blinded method , and the average value was taken as the score .
When I wrote the forward to Steven Cheung 's book of English articles , I said that the struggle for China is the struggle for the world , that I truly believe .
And finally , the driver is tightly coupled with various APIs and applications , and you may have to debug a device driver where interrupt losses and out-of-sequence interrupts happen .
To reduce the computational cost of extreme learning machine ( ELM ) online training , a new algorithm called local extreme learning machine ( LELM ) was proposed .
We show that it is optimal to sequence retailers according to ascending variability .
As more and more records are located out of physical sequence , the performance can suffer .
This paper proposes a new method in calculating the storage address access of array elements stored in column major order .
The loss is greater when the imaginary part of the complex dielectric constant is bigger and the mode order is higher .
It was shown that the detail construction of turbulence in rocket can be predicted by LES , and the time-averaged method also can give the result with satisfiable engineering precision .
In the evaluation of the pollution degree , in addition to the pollution index , the areal metal quantity and background index of exploration geochemistry are also introduced , which makes the evaluation have more regionalized and comprehensive effects .
Colour sequence : The order in which the four colour process is printed .
First , we deal with the stability of super-efficiency point set in the sense of cone super-subdifferential and semi-continuous .