
  1. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand .

  2. 当她开始穿越沙漠时,她发现自己慢慢地消失在了广袤无垠的沙漠中。经过多次尝试,她还是失败了。

    As she started , she found herself slowly disappearing into the sand.After many tries , she still failed .

  3. 宇宙既广袤无垠又神秘莫测。

    The universe is vast and mysterious .

  4. 船航行于广袤无垠的大海上。

    Ships sail on the broad ocean .

  5. 一旦我们了解天空中的那些空间,都仅是广袤无垠的平原

    Once we understand that all the spheres in the sky are just large infinite planes ,

  6. 在业余时间,我们也有机会领略到太空的广袤无垠。

    We also had a chance to appreciate the profoundness of space in our spare time .

  7. 它其实是一个广袤无垠的平原,有着带领你溯本追源的幻觉

    rather an infinite plane which has the illusion of leading yourself back to the point of origin .

  8. 在《幽灵公主》一片中,广袤无垠的原始森林、树木、花朵以及狼群无不呼应着这一生态意识。

    This ecological consciousness is echoed in Princess Mononoke with a giant primordial forest , trees , flowers and wolves .

  9. 生命是广袤无垠的,无法被任何态度所容纳,用某一个定义来界定生命那是不可能的。

    Life is so vast and cannot be contained by any attitude , and it 's impossible to define life .

  10. 他们脑海中有片广袤无垠、人迹罕至的天地,在这里他们可以大胆追求新奇想法。

    Their brains enjoy a wide , uninhabited space that emboldens them to come up with and pursue novel ideas .

  11. 要是从高处鸟瞰一下密西西比河东岸的整个地区,当年这一定是一大片广袤无垠的原始森林。

    A bird 's-eye view of the whole region east of the Mississippi must then have offered one vast expanse of woods .

  12. 上海世博会阿联酋展馆占地6000平方米,连绵起伏的橘色外壳好似一片变幻莫测、广袤无垠的沙漠。

    Shanghai world expo uae exhibition covers an area of6000 square meters , and the orange shell is a changeable , so vast desert .

  13. 我们骄傲我们国土的广袤无垠,人口迅速增加,农业迅速的发展,商业繁荣昌盛。

    We glory in the extent of our territory , in our rapidly increasing population , in our agricultural privileges , and our commercial advantages .

  14. 广袤无垠的北极地带和那些阴凄凄的不毛之地,宛若冰雪的储存库。

    with ' the vast sweep of the Arctic Zone , and those forlorn regions of dreary space , that reservoir of frost and snow .

  15. 至深垂直到谷底,至高直线升入天;惟有广袤无垠方可循环游走,自在傲游。

    The deep and the high go to the depth or to the height in a straight line ; only the spacious can move in circles .

  16. 在夏威夷马诺亚大学一位天文学家领导下的研究人员们将此超星系团命名为兰天,夏威夷语意思是“广袤无垠的天堂”。

    Researchers , led by an astronomer at the University of Hawaii at Manoa , have named this supercluster Laniakea , which means " immense heaven " in Hawaiian .

  17. 复活节岛,又称拉帕努伊岛,是一座位于智利海岸以西2000英里以外的袖珍小岛。在广袤无垠的太平洋中,它凭借作为一座与世隔绝的袖珍小岛而著称。

    Located some 2000 miles west of the Chilean Coast , Easter Island , or Rapa Nui , is a tiny island that has become famous for its remarkable isolation in the vastness of the Pacific Ocean .

  18. 早年,英国移民在如今成为美国的这片广袤无垠的土地上迁徙时,把他们的语言带到四面八方,从而使今天大多数美国人无需使用其他语言与自己周围的人交流。

    The United States is spread out over a huge land mass , and for most of its citizens there is no need to speak a language in addition to English in order to communicate with people who live nearby .

  19. 在广袤无垠的大漠里,天空看不到丁点儿人类留下的痕迹。即便偶尔有飞机掠过,撒下一条长长的白,瞬间也会消逝不见。

    Being in this wide desert , almost no trace of mankind can be found in the sky , even though accidentally an airplane passes by swiftly and lefts a long white belt , they will be disappeared in a minute .