
  • 网络Advertising videos;commercial film;TVCF;C.F.
  1. 故事板:附剧本和技术注解的插图板,它显示广告影片的建议画面。

    Storyboard : Illustrated board showing proposed camera shots of an advertisement with script and technical annotation .

  2. 广告影片惯于通过人物来展示商品,演员的健康漂亮只是广告影片成功的充分条件,但绝非必要条件。

    Advertising film wont through character to display commodities , the actors health beautiful just advertising film sufficient conditions of success , but not necessary condition .

  3. 环球影视公司首次大胆尝试发行前数日利用昂贵的黄金时段电视广告为影片大作宣传。

    Universal Pictures took a bold chance for the first time placing expensive primetime television ads in the days leading up to its release .

  4. 宣传片为电影做广告的简短影片。

    A short filmed advertisement for a movie .

  5. 未受广告中断的电视影片

    A TV movie uninterrupted by commercials

  6. 中国电影隐性广告片外效应与价值链研究空档广告影片或节目

    The Study of Off-movie Effect and Value Chain of Recessive Advertising of Chinese Movies

  7. 相比插播在片头的硬广告,置入式传播运用隐蔽性的广告形式,在影片使用的道具中融入相关的产品,可以规避掉人们对广告的抵触心理。

    Compared with the general advertising , interval communication takes the hidden form , put related products into props which was used in films , could avoid the audiences resistance .

  8. 人声语言、自然音响和广告音乐(广告歌曲)三大语言要素是贯穿影视广告声音体系的灵魂,它们合力构建出广告影片中栩栩如生的声音形象,并树立起极具魅力的听觉识别系统。

    Human voice , nature sounds , together with music and songs , are the three key elements to the TVC audio system , they work together to construct the vivid sound environment , and to establish the unique sound images .