
yōu bì
  • Claustrophobia;put under house arrest;confine oneself indoors
幽闭 [yōu bì]
  • (1) [put under house arrest]∶幽禁;囚禁;禁闭

  • (2) [confine oneself indoors]∶深居家中不外出

幽闭[yōu bì]
  1. 她感到她得摆脱家庭生活的那种幽闭感觉了。

    She felt she had to escape from the claustrophobia of family life .

  2. 他呆在一个狭小的地方,体验到了幽闭恐惧症的感觉。

    He experienced feelings of claustrophobia from being in a small place .

  3. 这是我的办公室,我的幽闭之地。

    This is my office , my little cubbyhole

  4. 他们生活在一种令人感到幽闭恐惧的不健康氛围里。

    They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere

  5. 这所房子太让人感到幽闭恐惧了。

    The house felt too claustrophobic .

  6. 中国城街区往往如同电影画面,会导致幽闭恐惧症,而南边的中国城冰激凌工厂(ChinatownIceCreamFactory)在那里算是赏心悦目的(旁边还有个西安名吃店(Xi’anFamousFoods),里面的羊脸值得一试)。

    To the south , Chinatown Ice Cream Factory has the scenic advantage of a cinematically claustrophobic Chinatown block ( plus Xi'an Famous Foods next door , for lamb face as a chaser ) .

  7. “大厦”是单数名词,不过在这里面居住和工作的大部分人都说这有五个街区,从A到E,它的电梯仅仅连接着昏暗和幽闭集市的前两层。

    The " Mansions " is a singular noun , but most people who live and work there speak of its five blocks , A to E , their lifts connecting only at the dim and claustrophobic bazaar on the first two floors .

  8. 结论:用幽闭+电刺激制备大鼠PTSD实验动物模型,行为学出现明显异常,学习记忆功能受损,与临床表现有较好的拟似性,重复性高。

    CONCLUSION : The PTSD rat model produced by imprisonment and electric shock has remarkable abnormal behavior and impairment of learning and memory . It is similar to the clinical symptoms .

  9. 科沃德精华作品中最让人激动的是“私生涯”,这是一部幽闭恐怖症的戏剧,讲述了两桩命里注定的婚姻,他与他的舞台搭档格特鲁德•劳伦斯(GertrudeLawrence)参与了剧中的表演。

    The high point of Coward 's prime was " Private Lives ", a claustrophobic drama about two doomed marriages in which he starred with his stage partner , Gertrude Lawrence .

  10. 朱莉追求快速的进展,拍完遥远的蓝色天际,她马上就让你进入B-24轰炸机幽闭恐惧般的世界,很快又受到日军的袭击。

    Ms. Jolie is a fast worker . After her inaugural nod at the wide blue yonder , she thrusts you inside the claustrophobic confines of a B-24 bomber that 's soon under Japanese attack .

  11. 水瓶座位居第二是因为他们从不觉得伴侣关系有什么让人开心之处,对他们来说,伴侣关系能导致幽闭恐怖症。

    Aquarius is next since they are never happy about partnerships .

  12. 问:男性比女性更容易患幽闭恐惧症吗?答:不。

    Q. Are men more likely to be claustrophobic than women ?

  13. 核磁共振成像检查致幽闭恐怖症患者的心理干预

    Psychological Interventions for Patients with Phobia Claustrophobia Induced by MRI Examination

  14. 恐怖幽闭是很好的:每个人都知道彼此。

    The claustrophobic horror is nicely done : everyone knowing everyone .

  15. 马克:对没有幽闭恐惧症的人来说还挺好的。

    Mark : Great for people who are not claustrophobic .

  16. 人人都要面对一定程度的冬季忧郁和幽闭反应。

    Everyone struggles with some degree of winter blues and cabin fever .

  17. 幽闭语境中的知青文学&新中国知青文学史纲·序论

    Introduction to History of School Graduates Literature in New China

  18. 患有幽闭恐怖症;不正常地害怕封闭的地方。

    Suffering from claustrophobia ; abnormally afraid of closed-in places .

  19. 他有幽闭恐怖症,所以从来不乘坐地铁。

    He suffers from claustrophobia so he never travels on underground trains .

  20. 她已经感情崩溃,幽闭在家。

    She had an emotional breakdown and isolated herself at her home .

  21. 有人觉得会产生一点幽闭恐怖。

    Some people think it 's a little claustrophobic .

  22. 我要告诉他们我有幽闭恐惧症,我必须从这里面出去!

    I told them I was claustrophobic , I gotta get outta here !

  23. 发挥自己的创造能力也可以帮助释放幽闭的情绪。

    Releasing your creativity can help release pent-up emotions .

  24. 不像那些窄小幽闭的屋子

    It 's not some claustrophobic , little closet .

  25. 我讨厌电梯&电梯使我有幽闭恐惧感。

    I hate lifts - they give me claustrophobia .

  26. 它们不会让你感到幽闭恐惧吗?

    Don 't they make you feel claustrophobic ?

  27. 在现在狭窄无比、容易造成幽闭恐惧症的飞机中,引起乘客愤怒的事情可以说各种各样。

    There are many ways of inflaming passengers on today 's claustrophobically cramped airlines .

  28. 她们在那些小房间中感到了幽闭恐惧症。

    Both felt claustrophobic in the tiny rooms .

  29. 幽闭的圆形恐怖的世界

    The Horrible World in the Enclosed Circles

  30. 幽闭恐惧症的人诅咒房子的鬼魂。

    Claustrophobic people blame a house spirit .