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  • right of equality
  1. 高等教育领域的平等权问题研究

    Research on the Right of Equality in the Field of Higher Education

  2. 论平等权的立法保护

    On Legislative Protection for the Right of Equality

  3. 论少数民族的教育平等权与自主权

    On Ethnic Minorities ' Rights of Equality and Autonomy in ducation

  4. 社会性别与女性平等权的法理思考

    Jurisprudential reflection on social gender and women 's equal rights

  5. 第三章国外就业平等权保障相关立法。

    Chapter equal protection of the right of foreign employment related legislation .

  6. 就业歧视是对就业平等权的侵害。

    Employment discrimination violates the equal employment opportunity of people .

  7. 第三部分重点研究和探讨了新生代农民工平等权保护的对策。

    The third part explores the countermeasures to protect the equal rights of .

  8. 论当事人的程序平等权

    On The Equality Right Of Procedure Of A Litigant

  9. 第三,比较完整的平等权规范三要素结构。

    Three structural elements of equality rights norms .

  10. 农民工平等权的宪法保障

    On the Constitutional Guarantee of the Rights of Equality of the Farmer-Workers in Cities

  11. 就业平等权的法律保护

    On Equal Employment Right Protection In Law

  12. 环境平等权探析

    A Discussion on the Environmental Equality Right

  13. 论宪法平等权的内涵&以平等观念发展为视角

    On the Connotation of Constitutive Equal Rights

  14. 论我国婚姻法对男女平等权支撑的有限性

    On the Finiteness of National Marriage Law in Supporting the Equality between Men and Women

  15. 试论公民的平等权

    On the Right of Equality of Citizens

  16. 当今美国的黑人拥有平等权在某种程度上也是他们的成就。

    Slavery is the system by which some people are owned by others as slaves .

  17. 第三,基因平等权。

    The third one is genetic equality .

  18. 就业平等权是法律面前人人平等原则在就业方面的具体体现。

    Employment equality is the principle of equality before the law embodied in the employment sector .

  19. 在该部分,我们对就业平等权的基本理论进行了探讨。

    In this chapter , the basic theory of the right of equal employment were discussed .

  20. 其中,又以平等权和受教育权的影响最大。

    Among them , the equal rights and the right to education have the greatest impact .

  21. 宪法视野下的平等权

    The Right of Equality in Constitution

  22. 弄清工作平等权的含义是对其提供保护的基础。

    Understanding the meaning of the right of equality in work is the basis of protection .

  23. 未经批准的平等权的改善。

    The unratified Equal Right Amendment .

  24. 婚姻法实现男女平等权非常有限,主要体现在法律制度的完善,其具体实现受到社会认同、风俗习惯、多年形成的文化传统的制约。

    It is finite to achieve the equality between men and women by appealing to Marriage Law .

  25. 也是一项社会平等权。

    Is a social equality .

  26. 论基因平等权

    On right of genetic equality

  27. 平等权的效力在消极方面表现为禁止歧视。

    The effect of right to equality in its negative side finds expression in prohibition against discrimination .

  28. 平等权意识包括平等权认识、平等权主张和平等权要求三个层次。

    Consciousness of the right of being equal consists of knowledge , stance , and requirements on it .

  29. 本文主要论述了美国工作平等权的保护。

    This paper mainly discusses the protection of the right to equality in employment in the United States .

  30. 雇佣者对两性工作平等权的侵犯,从内容看,常表现为差别对待、排斥对待、或优惠对待;

    Employers infringe gender equal rights in employment by means of disparate treatment , exclusion and preferential treatment .