
pínɡ miàn jiǎo
  • plane angle
平面角 [píng miàn jiǎo]
  • [plane angle] 两个相交平面的夹角

  1. 而TBA主要发生垂直向的生长,下颌平面角基本没有变化。

    While the Twin block made the mandible grow in vertical and the mandibular plane angle unchanged . 3 .

  2. 折叠梁平面角对电容式RFMEMS开关性能的影响

    Effect of plane angle of serpentine spring on characteristics of capacitive RF MEMS switch

  3. 结果AngleⅡ1病例矫治后的硬组织改变主要表现为上下切牙唇倾度的减小,(牙合)平面角的增加及磨牙的伸长;

    Results After treatment , the labial inclination of upper and lower incisors was reduced . The occlusal plane angle was increased and molars were extruded .

  4. 牙合平面角(OPFH)治疗前后无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    Occlusal plane angle ( OP-FH ) did not significantly changed .

  5. 直角平面角点衬砌对稳态平面SH波的散射

    Scattering of steady incident SH-wave by circular arc lining at the corner point of rectangular plane

  6. 结果:X线全颌曲面断层片与头颅侧位片上的FHMP角(下颌平面角)、GoFH距对MeFH距比值呈高度线性相关;

    Results : Significant relationship of the FH MP angle and the ratio of distance from Go FH to the distance from Me FH was found between panoramic radiography and lateral cephalometrics .

  7. SNB及下颌平面角SN-MP无变化,P>0.05;

    The SNB angle and mandibular plane angle ( SN-MP ) have no change ( P > 0.05 ) .

  8. 旨在利用数学物理方程解的积分公式,去解决平面角形区域内Laplace方程和Poisson方程的边值问题,而其关键在于构造相应域内的格林函数。

    The paper aimed at resolving the question of side value of Laplace equation and Poisson equation in plane angular domain by using integral equation of the solution of mathematic physics equation . The key problem was to construct the Green function in the corresponding domain .

  9. 投影成直角的空间平面角再分析

    Analyzing on being right angle of space plane angles projection

  10. 高下颌平面角青少年牙面结构特征的初步研究

    The Dento - Facial Structural Characteristics of Youngsters with High Mandibular Plane Angle

  11. 从平面角和立体角讨论静电场中的某些电场等价性

    Some equivalence in the electrostatic field based on the plane and solid angles

  12. 光学超外差法小平面角精密测量

    Precise opto-heterodyne measurement of small plane angle

  13. 目的研究面部生长型与头颅矢状水平向平面角的关系,验证面部后前面高比的诊断意义。

    Objective To study the relationship between facial growth pattern and sagittal horizontal plane angles .

  14. 空间任意平面角的投影解析研究及应用

    The Research and Application of the Projective Analysis of the Arbitrary Plane Angle in Space

  15. 略论平面角之正投影

    Orthographic Projection of a Plane Angle

  16. 平面角裂纹失稳扩展轨迹的焦散线法实验研究

    An Experimental Investigation on the Unstable Extension Trajectory of the Mixed Mode Crack by the Caustics Method

  17. 平面角为锐角的投影等于原角的条件及证明

    The Condition and Proof Used When the Horizontal Projection of the Plane Angle Equals Its Space Angle

  18. 同时,这些刀具的平面角必须始终与螺纹形状的平面角保持一致。

    Also , the plane angles of these tools must always be identical to those of the thread forms .

  19. 文本用纵向塞曼双频稳频激光器作光源,提出了一种光学超外差法小平面角的精密测量方法。

    This paper discussed an opto-heterodyne technique for small-plane-angle measurement with a frequency-stabilized longitudinal Zeeman laser as the light source .

  20. 本文提出平面角的水平投影与其空间角相等时新的作图方法。

    This paper provides a new construction method used when the horizontal projection of the plane angle is equal to its space angle .

  21. 讨论了具体的信号处理算法,并给出了一种极化捷变条件下的双平面角跟踪方法。

    The specific algorithm of signal processing is discussed and an angle tracking method on dual planes is given for the polarization agility radar system .

  22. 结果术后面下部宽度明显减小,下颌平面角轻度增大,接近于正常美貌人群(P<0.05)。

    Results Preoperative and postoperative cephalometrics showed that the width of lower face was efficiently reduced , mandibular angle slightly increased , approximate to normal people .

  23. 本文以命题形式讨论无棱二面角的平面角大小的几种解法并加以证明和举例。

    In the form of propositions , this paper discusses several solution methods of the size of dihedral angles and proof and example are also offered .

  24. 上下磨牙垂直向及矢状向支抗得到较好控制,牙合平面角无明显改变;

    The anchorage of the upper and lower first molar in anterior-posterior and vertical direction were controlled preferably . Occlusal plane angle ( OP-SN ) did not significantly change .

  25. 该扫描系统实现了自定角度、速度、方向和数据获取频率的旋转式扫描,具有很好的旋转平面角精度和测点精度。

    This scanning system has achieved the functions such as custom angle , speed , direction and frequency with a high accuracy in single point resolving power and angle measurement .

  26. 本文对空间任意平面角(角边可为任意位置的直线)及其投影角这一具有实用性的几何问题进行分析研究;

    The practical problem of the arbitrary plane angle ( the edge of the angle is the line at arbitrary position ) in space and its projective angle is analyzed and studied in this paper .

  27. 然后利用平面角谱和模式电流的不连续性,考虑槽切入波导宽边部分的影响,得到孤立槽导纳的表达式和计算方法。

    An expression for the admittance of the slot is derived using an angular spectrum of plane waves and the discontinuity in mode current , taking the depth of cut in the broad wall into account .

  28. 本文采用复射线展开法分析了双平面角形结构的雷达截面,所得计算结果与实验结果及其它方法的理论结果十分吻合。

    The radar cross section of dihedral corner structure is studied in this paper by using the method of complex ray expansion . The calculation results agree very well with experiment results and other theoretical results .

  29. 国际单位制采用的平面角单位;长度等于半径的弧所对的圆心角。

    The unit of plane angle adopted under the System International d'Unites ; equal to the angle at the center of a circle subtended by an arc equal in length to the radius ( approximately 57.295 degrees ) .

  30. 垂直向控制比较良好,下颌平面角略减小,下颌平面轻度逆时针旋转。

    The vertical relationship was improved , the angle of MP / SN is reduced , The mandibular plane was slightly counterclockwise rotation ; The profile of soft tissue improved obvious , which changed from convex surface type tending to directly facing type .