
  1. 米甸营在他下边的平原里。

    Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley .

  2. 骑兵在平原里四散奔逃,逃到阿左托,进入他们的达贡庙逃命。

    And they that were scattered about the plain , fled into Azotus , and went into Bethdagon their idol 's temple , there to save themselves .

  3. 在最早的奥山版本中,在战场中央的“征战平原”里有一个名字叫“血怒者科尔拉克”的巨大巨魔;

    In the earliest iteration of AV , there was a giant troll named Korrak the Bloodrager in the Field of Strife in the center of the map .

  4. 但是,派珀并不是一个卡通人物,她是一名现实世界里的女孩子,是艾尔克平原学校里的六年级学生,而那些据认为制作了这段视频的女孩子是她的同学。

    But Piper isn 't a cartoon . She 's a real girl , a sixth grader at Elk Plain School of Choice , and the girls believed to have produced the video are her classmates .

  5. 广袤的平原延伸几百里。

    The vast plains stretch for hundreds of miles .

  6. 这片平原绵延数里。

    The plain stretches for miles .

  7. 在平原的土房里,在山区的窑洞中,秘密串连又开始了。

    In huts and caves , in the plains and in the mountains , secret conclaves went on again .