
  • 网络stumping
  1. 燃料型柠条能源林老林复壮及平茬技术研究

    Studies on Rejuvenation of Old Forest and Stumping Technology of Caragana Microphylla Lam Fule Energy Plantations

  2. 平茬具有较强的生理复幼作用,根萌枝条皮内的生根抑制物质含量较低;

    Stumping whose root sprouts contend rather low inhibitors takes an important role in the physiological juvenilization for aged trees .

  3. 平茬更新的适宜年龄级为6~8a。

    The proper time of renewal cutting is 6  ̄ 8 years .

  4. 确定平茬萌芽更新是柠条群落更新的主要途径,可提高地上部分生物量,平茬最佳年龄为4a生。

    Sprouting was determined to be the main method of community renewing , may improve the biomass of the part on the ground , the best age of renew cutting is 4a .

  5. 草障植物带林木平茬复壮技术试验

    Technical Experiment of Stumping and Rejuvenating of Timber of Plant Zone Under Grass Barriers

  6. 短梗五加平茬方法与产量及品质关系的初步研究

    Relationship between Production and Quality and Method of Stumping of Acanthopanax With Short Stems

  7. 刺槐平茬后的经营管理技术研究

    Management Techniques of Black Locust After Stump

  8. 灌木平茬机牵引性能及对沙地影响试验研究

    Test Study on Traction of a Self-propelled Walking Brush Cutter and Its Influence on Sandlot

  9. 确定萌芽更新是该群落的主要更新途径,采取平茬措施可促进萌蘖,提高地上部生物量。

    Germination is the main regeneration method of this community , and cutting can increase the above ground biomass .

  10. 通过研究表明,不同类型植被减少径流和泥沙的功效不同,东坡不同类型植被小区径流深由大到小的顺序为:荒坡>沙棘(平茬)>沙棘+小叶杨>农地;

    The research results have showed that the efficacy of vegetation decreasing runoff and sediment was different with vegetation types .

  11. 所以平茬处理对机播夏玉米的生长提供了较好的生态条件,有利于夏玉米的生长发育和产量的提高。

    Returning straw provided good ecological conditions to the mechanized sowing summer maize and benefit for growth and yield . 6 .

  12. 利用植苗和播种更新2-3a后.要进行平茬处理,才会取得良好的效果。

    To achieve good results for regeneration under planting stock or direct seeding , stumping treatments should be done after 2-3 years .

  13. 采取第2年平茬的办法,可提高枝条分蘖数量2.3倍,匍匐繁殖枝条1.7倍;

    The number of tillerings increased by 2.3 times and that of stolons by 1.7 times after coppicing in the second year .

  14. 潮间带平茬后迂大海潮灌茬,死亡率可达40~60%。

    When flooded by big tides , the death rate of the stubbles in the area between tides will amount to 40 % ~ 60 % .

  15. 上盆前一个月断根处理后,在平茬后或萌芽期上盆的效果较好;

    The optimum period of potting is after the stumping or during bud sprouting period , in addition , root-cutting a month before is also helpful .

  16. 分析了柠条机械平茬、柠条颗粒饲料制作的经济、社会与生态效益,为大面积利用提供参考。

    This paper analyzes the economic , social and ecological benefit of mechanical mowing on Caragana and pellet feed making with Caragana , for widely used reference .

  17. 沙棘木蠹蛾的防治技术主要包括平茬更新复壮、化学防治、林分结构调整、采用灯光诱杀和性引诱剂诱杀等方法。

    The main control measures include rejuvenation by cutting , chemical control , structure modulating , the trap and kill by lighting , and sexual inducement agents , etc.

  18. 步进手扶圆锯片式割灌木机用于灌木平茬收割试验研究通过理论分析和田间试验,设计研制了一种适用于回收作物收获后的残膜回收机。

    Experimental Study on the Application of Stepping Hand-held Circular Saw Type Brush Cutter in Shrub Harvesting A plastic film collector was invented with analysis of motional tracks and experiments .

  19. 冬季休眠期平茬的柠条草粉粗蛋白和粗脂肪含量(以干物质计)与玉米和小麦等作物秸秆相比,分别高出58.25%~211.56%和60%~193.3%。

    CP and EE contents in blossom Caragana cut in winter are 58.25 % ~ 211.56 % and 6 0 % ~ 193.3 % , higher than corn straw and wheat straw respectively .

  20. 解决的办法除及时进行平茬,适当控制造林密度外,主要的措施是改传统的直播造林为植苗造林。

    Except flatting stubble in time and suitably adjusting the density of afforestation , the main way to solve these problems is to change traditional afforestation by direct seeding into afforestation by nursery-grown plant .

  21. 8月平茬处理3种岩黄芪灌丛的叶面积指数高于对照,散射光系数低于对照,说明在8月平茬处理植株的生长高于对照植株,生长更为繁茂。

    After cutting in this month , the leaf area index of 3 species Hedysarum was higher , while the dispersion light coefficient was lower , indicating that Hedysarum was more flourishing under cutting .

  22. 所以从营养价值的角度考虑,5月初的开花期营养丰富,适口性好,消化率也较高,是最佳的利用季节,此时进行平茬、青贮是比较理想的。

    So as concerned as nutritive value , the anthesis that early May have been regarded as the best time of stumping and silage because of abundant nutrition , good palatability and high digestibility .

  23. 刺槐萌芽力强,12年生树平茬后平均每株发萌条9.6根,薪柴含水率较低(湿柴含水29%);

    When the trees of twelve years are cut , each plant may sprout 9.6 shoots on average . The firewood after cutting has a low water content ( 29 % ) and is combustible when moist .

  24. 行状混交沙棘平茬、宽行混交沙棘平茬与带状混交的油松地径在9年以后大于油松纯林的油松地径;

    The basal diameter of Chinese Pine that mixed by rows and cutting seabuckthorn , mixed by wide rows and cutting seabuckthorn and mixed by strips were bigger than that of pure stand of Chinese Pine after 9 years .

  25. 在15年生低干专用湖桑老桑园行间套栽新桑苗选792,当年春蚕结束后将老桑贴主干基部平茬,第二年冬将老桑刨除;

    An old mulberry plantation at the age of 15 was regenerated by inter-plantation method with new variety selection-792.By the end of that spring silkworm raising period , the old mulberry shoots were cut at ground level , and then removed in the winter of the next year .