
  • 网络Greek history;history of Greece
  1. 用希腊历史地震目录对VAN方法做统计评估

    Statistical evaluation of the VAN method using the historic earthquake catalog in Greece

  2. 希腊历史上的东方化时代初探

    A Tentative Exploration of " the Orientalizing Period " in Greek History

  3. 耶鲁大学开放课程:古希腊历史简介。

    Open Yale course : Introduction to Ancient Greek History .

  4. 我对希腊历史有点生疏了。

    I 'm a bit rusty on Greek history .

  5. 语言世界观问题的古希腊历史渊源与演变

    The Issue of Linguistic Worldview : Its Classical Greek Origin and Developmental Changes

  6. 希腊历史中所有提及有关球体的资料。

    Every orb ever mentioned in Greek history .

  7. 地理环境对上古埃及和希腊历史发展的影响

    The Effects of Geographical Conditions on the History Development of Ancient Egypt and Greece

  8. 在古希腊历史上,哲学家苏格拉底是有智慧的、幽默的人的典范。

    In the Greek tradition , the philosopher Socrates is the model of a wise and humble man .

  9. 因为这能帮助他们发现在古代希腊历史上最重要的时期,人们的生活是怎样的。

    This could help them discover what life was like during the most important period in ancient Greek history .

  10. 这篇文章讲述的是希腊历史给予的一个答案,它是大多数人统治的第一个伟大的实验。

    This article describes one of those answers in its historical setting , the first great experiment in majority rule .

  11. 希腊历史起源于3000多年前的史前时期,希腊先民的第一个居住点就建在雅典卫城的巨石上。

    The history of Athens begins more than 3000 years ago when during the prehistoric times its first inhabitants created their first settlement on the rock of the Acropolis .

  12. 但是,新近的研究表明:黑暗时代不仅存在着与迈锡尼文明的联系,而且是古希腊历史上发生重大变革的时期。

    But recent studies show that there were some links between the Dark Age and the Mycenaean age and many important changes occurred in Greece society in the Dark Age .

  13. 耶鲁公开课-古希腊历史简介课程节选如果我们这么做,那古希腊人会说,“那是一派胡言,你只要想个十秒钟就能明白这样没好处.adj.顽固的(立场反动,不愿意改变);倔强的;难以控制的

    If we do that , the Greeks would have said , " That is stupid and absurd to think for ten seconds you 'll realize that 's no good . "

  14. 我怎么知道希腊的历史?

    What do I know of the Grecian affair ?

  15. 费沃斯和雅典娜希腊的历史和之间的联系现代奥运会。

    Phevos and Athena represent the link between Greek history and the modern Olympic Games .

  16. 在希腊现代历史上,真正经常发生的是外国势力对其国内事务异乎寻常的干涉。

    The real constant in modern Greek history is the extraordinary degree of foreign interference in its domestic life .

  17. 和谐思想作为核心和灵魂,贯穿于古希腊社会历史观的始终。

    Harmony thinking as the core and soul of the social history always exist in the ancient Greece Social history .

  18. 不,我不同意。我认为叙述的步调反映了希腊的历史。

    No , I don 't agree with that . I think the pace of the narration reflects the history .

  19. 我对古代的思想心仪久矣,古希腊的历史把我带入了一个神秘的境界。

    My mind opened naturally and joyously to a conception of antiquity . Greece , ancient Greece , exercised a mysterious fascination over me .

  20. 第一部分主要考察古希腊罗马历史的文化背景,旨在探寻波里比阿实用史学观念形成的源流。

    The first part mainly researches the cultural background of ancient Greek and Rome history in order to quest the origin of pragmatic historical concept .

  21. 希腊的历史可以追溯到人们还不会书写的年代,因此当时发生在人民周围的事没有留下文字记载。

    Greece 's history can be traced back to people cannot write era , so when occurs in people 's things around left no written records .

  22. 另外,考古发掘为研究历史提供了资料来源,如特洛伊城的发现,基本证实了希腊早期历史传说的真实性。

    Moreover , archaeology excavating has provided the source of material for the research of history . The discovery of the Troy city proved that the truthfulness of the early Greek history legend .

  23. 高盛在声明中表示:在2000年12月和2001年6月,希腊以历史隐含汇率,分别与高盛进行了新的货币互换交易和重组后的货币互换安排。

    In December 2000 and in June 2001 , Greece entered into new cross-currency swaps and restructured its cross-currency swap portfolio with Goldman Sachs at a historical implied foreign exchange rate , the statement says .

  24. 希腊的一些历史古迹禁止穿高跟鞋

    Wearing High Heels Is Prohibited At Some Historical Sites In Greece

  25. 希腊拥有悠久历史,而希腊(的)神话一直吸引著不少人。

    Greece has a long history and Greek mythology always fascinates many people .

  26. 理性与启示的调和&论基督教对古希腊哲学的历史接纳

    Reconciliation of Reason and Apocalypse & Study on Historical Admission of Christianity to Greek Philosophy

  27. 发现希腊数学家的历史成就。

    Discover Greek achievements in mathematics .

  28. 对我来讲,我觉得是希腊时期的历史,还有一开始的罗马。

    For me it would be the time of the Greeks and to a lesser extent the Romans .

  29. 作为印欧语系语言的独立分支,希腊语具有历史悠久、记录完善的特点。

    As an independent branch of the Indo-European family of languages , the Greek language features the longest and most documented history .

  30. 在关于希腊和罗马历史的章节中,我没有局限于摩尔根的例证,而是补充了我所掌握的材料。

    In the historical sections on Greece and Rome I have not confined myself to Morgan 's evidence , but have added what was available to me .