
  • Budapest;Hungary;Hungaroring;Aquincum
布达佩斯 [bù dá pèi sī]
  • [Budapest] 匈牙利首都和多瑙河中游的重要港市,面积529平方公里,人口209万(1978)

  1. 他们住在布达佩斯大饭店。

    They stayed at The Grand Hotel , Budapest .

  2. 华沙、布拉格和布达佩斯的旅馆均是人满为患。

    The hotels of Warsaw , Prague and Budapest were bursting at the seams .

  3. 布达佩斯办事处计划聘用自由撰稿记者来报道最近发生的一些事件。

    The Budapest office plans to hire freelance reporters to cover the latest happenings .

  4. 布达佩斯拥有全欧洲最棒的气候,春天和秋天尤佳。

    The weather in Budapest is among the best in europe , with marvelous spring and fall seasons .

  5. 匈牙利布达佩斯的科学家对400名大学生进行了研究。

    Scientists from Budapest , Hungary , studied 400 university students .

  6. 其他几个国家和城市也表达了举办2032年奥运会的意愿,包括印尼、中国、卡塔尔的多哈、匈牙利的布达佩斯和德国的鲁尔区。

    Several cities and countries had expressed an interest in hosting the Games , including Indonesia , China , Doha in Qatar , Budapest in Hungary and Germany 's Ruhr region .

  7. 拉尔夫·法因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)

    Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  8. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson),《布达佩斯大饭店》

    Wes Anderson , " The Grand Budapest Hotel "

  9. 布达佩斯天文台对于天琴座RR型变星的研究工作

    Work on RR LYRAE-VARIABLES at Budapest Observatory

  10. 《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)以20世纪30年代为背景,通过独特的元素和道具定义它的世界。

    And The Grand Budapest Hotel , set mainly in the 1930s , uses distinct elements and props to help define its world .

  11. 而今天,我能通过Gmail的账户与远在布达佩斯和东京的朋友进行视频通话&而且完全免费。

    Today , I video chat through my Gmail account with friends in Budapest or Tokyo & for free .

  12. 作为欧洲花销最低的首都之一,布达佩斯之所以吸引着数字游民,是因为在那里,咖啡馆提供免费的wi-fi,有着高效的公共交通系统以及著名的地下酒吧。

    One of Europe 's cheapest capitals , Budapest attracts nomads with free wi-fi in cafes , efficient public transportation and famous underground bars .

  13. 韦斯·安德森(WesAnderson)的《布达佩斯大饭店》(TheGrandBudapestHotel)和莫腾·泰杜姆(MortenTyldum)的《模仿游戏》也是如此。

    But so did " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " by Wes Anderson , and " The Imitation Game , " by Morten Tyldum .

  14. 该党还成立了一个准军事组织匈牙利卫队(hungarianguard),制服上带有战前匈牙利法西斯党的徽章已发展到在布达佩斯城市中行军,而且在很多小城镇拥有势力范围。

    It has also formed a paramilitary wing , the Hungarian guard , whose uniforms bear the insignia of pre-war Hungarian fascist parties and which has staged marches in Budapest and has a presence in many small towns .

  15. 同时担任FCI最高委员会成员,FCI欧洲大区副主席和FCI裁判委员会委员,与此同时他还是布达佩斯国家医学中心外科医生。

    He also holds positions on the FCI European Section and the FCI Judges'Commission , whilst maintaining his profession as a surgeon at the State National Medical Centre in Budapest .

  16. 2014年,演员蒂尔达·斯文顿(TildaSwinton)在四部电影中戴着假牙:《零点定理》(TheZeroTheorem)、《布达佩斯大饭店》、《唯爱永生》(OnlyLoversLeftAlive),以及奉俊昊导演的《雪国列车》(Snowpiercer)。

    In 2014 , the actress Tilda Swinton wore false teeth in four movies : " The Zero Theorem , " " The Grand Budapest Hotel , " " Only Lovers Left Alive " and " Snowpiercer , " a film directed by Bong Joon-ho .

  17. 音乐与喜剧类最佳男主角:拉尔夫·费因斯(RalphFiennes),《布达佩斯大饭店》;迈克尔·基顿,《鸟人》;比尔·默瑞,《圣人文森特》;杰昆·菲尼克斯(JoaquinPhoenix),《性本恶》(InherentVice);克里斯托弗·华尔兹(ChristophWaltz),《大眼睛》

    Best Actor , Musical or Comedy : Ralph Fiennes , " The Grand Budapest Hotel " Michael Keaton , " Birdman " Bill Murray , " St. Vincent " Joaquin Phoenix , " Inherent Vice " Christoph Waltz , " Big Eyes "

  18. WiktoriaSkiba是一名居住在布达佩斯的当地人,也是YourLocalCousin的一名导游,同时也是TheSpoiledQueen博客的创始人。他喜欢位于多瑙河中央、或位于城市中心的绿色之地——Erzsébet广场的“玛格丽特岛上的寒冷”。

    For fun , Wiktoria Skiba , a Budapest native , also a guide for Your Local Cousin and founder of The Spoiled Queen blog , likes " chilling on Margaret Island " in the middle of the Danube , or in Erzs é bet Square , a green space in the city centre .

  19. 听着,本人十月未来布达佩斯特。本人想会商一下关于X13的营销。

    Listen , I 'm coming to Budapest in October and I 'd like to call in to discuss the marketing of the X13 .

  20. 布达佩斯开放获取先导计划(BOAI)认为开放存取提高了学术信息的可获得性,实现了学术信息资源共享,是一种有效可行的新型学术出版模式。

    Budapest Open Access Initiative ( BOAI ) pointed out that the Open Acess improving the availability of the academic information , realizing academic information resource sharing and it is a new effective and feasible public model .

  21. 一切,你应该知道布达佩斯之前,你来到这里。

    Everything you should know about Budapest before you come here .

  22. 关于加强可持续洪灾管理方面国际合作的布达佩斯倡议;

    Budapest initiative on strengthening international cooperation on sustainable flood management ;

  23. 2011年,电影开始在马耳他,格拉斯哥和布达佩斯开始拍摄。

    Filming began in 2011 in Malta , Glasgow and Budapest .

  24. 他的旅行计划显示他将从波尔多到布达佩斯。

    His itinerary would take him from Bordeaux to Budapest .

  25. 布达佩斯南区市场,匈牙利

    The Market in the Southern District , Budapest , Hungary

  26. 他们经布达佩斯。萨格勒布公路穿过南斯拉夫边界。

    They crossed the Yugoslav border on the budapest-zagreb road .

  27. 欧洲经委会国家经济远景布达佩斯座谈会;

    Budapest Symposium on long-term economic prospects in ECE countries ;

  28. 在布达佩斯会举行一个华丽的化装舞会。

    Here in Budapest there is a wonderful masquerade ball .

  29. 匈牙利布达佩斯地铁4号线黏土岩的工程地质性质

    Engineering Geological Characters of Claystone in Budapest Metro Line 4 , Hungary

  30. 明天你就马上启程回布达佩斯。

    Now , you will travel to Budapest tomorrow .