
  • 网络Bristol;BRS
  1. 他在前往布里斯托尔的路上捎带了两个免费搭车的人。

    He picked up two hitchhikers on the road to Bristol .

  2. 它大约位于伦敦和布里斯托尔的中间。

    It 's about halfway between London and Bristol .

  3. 从布里斯托尔开来的火车到了没有?

    Has the train from Bristol arrived ?

  4. 7个人都来自布里斯托尔,他们承认了合谋纵火。

    Seven men , all from Bristol , admitted conspiracy to commit arson

  5. 布里斯托尔的渔民与丹麦人争夺捕鱼权。

    Fishermen from Bristol disputed fishing rights with the Danes .

  6. 在布里斯托尔附近的5号高速公路上,南行的车辆排成了绵延20英里的长龙。

    Southbound traffic tailed back for twenty miles on the M5 near Bristol .

  7. 英国布里斯托尔刑事法庭准予有条件保释,保证金为2,500英镑。

    Bristol Crown Court granted conditional bail with a surety of £ 2,500 .

  8. 我要在布里斯托尔组织一场义演来募集这些资金。

    I am organising a benefit gig in Bristol to raise these funds .

  9. 他拥有布里斯托尔大学的法律学位。

    He holds a law degree from Bristol University .

  10. 布里斯托尔在地方政府重组过程中重新获得了自己作为一个城市的法律地位。

    Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation .

  11. 我们就沿着布里斯托尔大道直走。

    We just go straight up the Bristol Road

  12. 他晚年住在布里斯托尔一间相当狭小的公寓内。

    In later years he lived in a rather cramped little flat in Bristol .

  13. 一位旅行社职员给她开出的从布里斯托尔至帕尔马的机票报价是160英镑。

    A travel agent quoted her £ 160 for a flight from Bristol to Palma

  14. 我去布里斯托尔见到他们的设施,真羡慕极了。

    I 'm green with envy when I go to Bristol and see their facilities .

  15. 他认识布里斯托尔所有的海员。

    and he knew all the seamen14 in Bristol .

  16. 布里斯托尔有那么一帮人为此恨透了布兰德利

    There is a class of men in Bristol monstrously prejudiced against Blandly .

  17. 我离开母亲有点伤悲,可是当我和雷德拉斯踏上去布里斯托尔的旅程时,

    I was sad to leave , but when Redruth and I began our journey to Bristol ,

  18. 你知道,如果伊斯帕尼奥拉号8月底前不能返回布里斯托尔,一只救援船就会来接我们。

    You see , we know that if the Hispaniola does not return to Bristol by the end of August , a rescue ship will be sent to look for us .

  19. 布里斯托尔大学这项研究报告的主要作者乔?库尔森说:“有规律(Rule)的锻炼对身心健康益处良多,这一点现在已是大家都知道了。”

    Lead author Jo Coulson , from Bristol University , said : " It 's generally well-known now that there are many physical and mental health benefits that can be gained from regular exercise . "

  20. 在布里斯托尔大学(bristoluniversity)和卡内基梅隆大学(carnegie-mellonuniversity),研究人员们正与一些军方人员一道研究核科学与金融市场之间的相似之处。

    At Bristol University and Carnegie Mellon , researchers are studying the parallels between nuclear science and financial markets , in tandem with some military groups .

  21. 金融服务约占英国国内生产总值(gdp)的10%,其就业覆盖范围不仅包括伦敦,还包括爱丁堡、利兹和布里斯托尔等英国其它金融中心。

    Financial services account for around 10 per cent of UK gross domestic product , providing employment not just in London but in other British financial centres such as Edinburgh , Leeds and Bristol .

  22. 1958年用户长途直拨(STD)系统由英国由女王伊丽莎白二世举行开机典礼,她在一个从布里斯托尔到爱丁堡的长途拨叫中与对方城市的市长通话。

    1958-Subscriber Trunk Dialling ( STD ) is inaugurated in the UK by Queen Elizabeth II when she speaks to the Lord Provost in a call from Bristol to Edinburgh .

  23. 发电马桶是布里斯托尔的西英格兰大学与乐施会(Oxfam)的研究人员们共同合作取得的成果。

    The urinal is the result of a partnership between researchers at the University of the West of England in Bristol and Oxfam .

  24. 弗吉尼亚布里斯托尔的AlphaNaturalResourcesInc.有很大一部分利润来自焦煤业务。该公司本月早些时候表示将裁员1200人,相当于员工总数的9.2%。

    Earlier this month , Alpha Natural Resources Inc. , of Bristol , Va. , which derives a large share of its profits from metallurgical coal , said it was cutting 1,200 jobs , or 9.2 % of its workforce .

  25. 此项研究的成员之一,来自布里斯托尔大学的帕特里克奥尔,对CNN说,这是首次发现直接证据来证明一种已知恐龙的羽毛颜色。

    " This is the first direct evidence of a certain color in a known dinosaur feather ," Patrick Orr , co-author of the study from Bristol University told CNN .

  26. 一年后,他们结婚了。1965年7月31日,他们的第一个女儿乔安妮(Joanne)(即J.K.罗琳本人)出生在英国布里斯托尔(Bristol)附近。

    They were married one year later , and on the 31st of July in 1965 , their first daughter , Joanne , was born near Bristol , England .

  27. 24岁的艾德约瑟夫和女朋友定居在布里斯托尔,得知自己在网上花80英镑买的PS3游戏机卖家没有发货时,他非常愤怒。

    Edd Joseph , 24 , who lives in the city with his girlfriend , was furious when he bought a PS3 games console for 80 and the seller failed to deliver the goods .

  28. 英国布里斯托尔大学的MarkoScholze领导了这项研究。它评估了气候变化对主要生态系统可能产生的影响。

    Marko Scholze of the University of Bristol in the United Kingdom led an assessment of the impacts climate change could have on key ecosystems .

  29. 本书作者,生物学家JohnBradshaw,就职于布里斯托尔大学,人类与动物关系学学科的建立者,他认为要了解狗和人之间如何相互理解,就必须知道狗是如何进化而来的。

    For John Bradshaw , a biologist who founded the anthrozoology department at the University of Bristol , having some idea about how dogs got to be dogs is the first stage towards gaining a better understanding of what dogs and people mean to each other .

  30. 布里斯托尔大学的MarkWickham-Jones表示,保守党和自民党在一些政策方面存在分歧,市场的反应可能不是很好。

    Mark Wickham-Jones from the University of Bristol says the Conservatives and the Liberal Democrats differ on a number of policies and the markets may not react well to that . " They will be a little about this , " Wickham-Jones noted .