
  • 网络BRADFORD;Joanne Bradford
  1. 独立工党1893年1月13日在布拉德福德成立。

    The Independent Labour Party was founded in Bradford on January 13 , 1893

  2. 他在布拉德福德的决胜赛中打败美国人肖恩·莫兰之后获得了冠军。

    He claimed the title after beating the American Sean Moran in a run-off at Bradford .

  3. 八十年代初,我有很多时间穿梭于伦敦和布拉德福德之间。

    I spent a lot of time in the early Eighties travelling between London and Bradford .

  4. 当布拉德福德最后一次锁门时,剧院的观众道了再见。

    The theater audience said good-by as Bradford locked the doors for the last time .

  5. 布拉德福德说城市里的大型现代影院让广场影院失去了竞争的机会。

    Bradford said that large modern theaters in the city made it impossible for the Plaza to compete .

  6. 布拉德福德把这座建筑和土地卖给了当地一家开发公司,该公司计划在影院所在的土地上建造一个购物中心。

    Bradford sold the building and land to a local development firm , which plans to build a shopping complex on the land where the theater is located .

  7. 布拉德福德通过向斯坦福大学创业学生商业协会(BusinessAssociationofStanfordEntrepreneurialStudents,BASES)推销,对自己的创意进行不断完善。

    Bradford refined her idea by pitching it to BASES , the Business Association of Stanford Entrepreneurial Students .

  8. 与此同时,布拉德福德大学管理学院(BradfordUniversitySchoolofManagement)和爱丁堡大学商学院(UniversityofEdinburghBusinessSchool)的排名均上升16位,分别排在第42名和第55名。

    Meanwhile , the University of Bradford School of Management and the University of Edinburgh Business School each climb 16 places , to 42nd and 55th , respectively .

  9. 布拉德福德甚至还在硅谷著名的风险投资公司红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)做了9个月的投资者。

    Bradford even spent nine months at Sequoia Capital , the high-flying Silicon Valley venture capital firm , as an investor .

  10. 发掘工作由布拉德福德大学(universityofbradford)考古学家接手,他们清理出近40具个体,其中28具为完整骨骸。

    Archaeologists from the University of Bradford eventually took charge of an excavation of almost 40 individuals , 28 of whom were complete skeletons .

  11. 但这并没有让29岁的布拉德福德打消念头。至少,在这款被她称为TheLeague的应用上,布拉德福德的履历可以让她成为优质约会对象。

    But none of that seems to have deterred 29-year-old Bradford , whose resume at least makes her prime dating material on what she is calling The League .

  12. 类似的一幕正在布拉德福德(bradford)上演。

    Something similar was going on in Bradford .

  13. 帕特里克·穆雷(PatrickMurray)四年来一直担任缅因州布拉德福德县学校管理委员会委员。

    Patrick Murray has been an elected member of the school governing board in Bradford , Maine , for four years .

  14. 菲利普·寇茨是布拉德福德大学工程学院的教授,他表示中国在研发方面的投入有很高的GDP占比。

    Philip Coates , a professor at the School of Engineering of the University of Bradford , says China has committed an increasingly large portion of its GDP to research and development .

  15. 布拉德福德的主教NickBaines牧师说:我认为这非常可笑。

    Bishop of Bradford , the Rt Rev Nick Baines , said : I think its dead funny .

  16. 弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿(Arlington)的查德・布拉德福德(ChadBradford)和卡佳・布拉德福德(KatyaBradford)为他们的蜜月预订了JumbyBay的“共度套餐”。

    Chad and Katya Bradford of Arlington , Va. , booked Jumby Bay 's Together Package for their honeymoon .

  17. 白天,凯恩在格林尼治村帕特丽夏·菲尔德(PatriciaField)的时装精品店的假发部工作,晚上,她和布拉德福德在东村的男孩酒吧(BoyBar)以及切尔西的隧道酒吧(Tunnel)表演。

    Ms. Cayne worked by day at the wig bar at Patricia Field 's boutique in Greenwich Village , and performed by night with Ms. Bradford at Boy Bar in the East Village and the Tunnel in Chelsea .

  18. 凯利教授在8日在布拉德福德(Bradford)举办的英国科学节(BritishScienceFestival)上讲话时呼吁,学校、学院和大学取消清早上课的规定,以“改善这一代人的生活”。

    Speaking at the British Science Festival in Bradford on Tuesday , Prof Kelley called for an end to early starts at schools , colleges and university to " improve the lives of a generation . "

  19. 多尔与奥斯汀•布拉德福德•希尔(AustinBradfordHill)在1950年发表了他们关于吸烟与癌症关系的早期研究结果,由于俩人的研究基于纯粹相关性,在当时果不其然遭到了批评。

    Doll 's early work on smoking and cancer with Austin Bradford Hill , published in 1950 , was duly criticised in its day as nothing more than a correlation .

  20. 她本打算利用从emba学到的知识,发展她与丈夫在英格兰北部的布拉德福德开办的一家律所。

    She had intended to use her EMBA to help develop the law firm she runs with her husband in Bradford in the north of England .

  21. 布拉德福德大学管理学院由于首次进入EMBA百强榜单而录得史上最大进步。

    The University of Bradford School of Management recorded its best progression , aided by the school 's first appearance in the ranking of the top 100 Executive MBAs .

  22. 然而,布拉德福德与一年级同学当初下载Tinder的时候,便已经明确了进入手机应用行业的目标。因为这款应用让她们越来越着迷,越来越震惊。

    Nonetheless , the path to app-dom was clear when Bradford and her first-year classmates downloaded Tinder and became increasingly intrigued-and appalled-by what they saw .

  23. 《旧金山纪事报》发表声明称,布拉德福德计划与母公司赫斯特国际集团(HearstCorp)密切合作,以建立其与Pinterest的内容合作关系。

    According to a statement from the chronicle , Bradford already has plans to work closely with its parent company , Hearst Corp. , to develop a content relationship between it and pinterest .

  24. 上世纪90年代有一次,我到早上5点才离开布拉德福德(Bradford)的一个牌局,当时是冬天,严寒刺骨,我身上带了很多现金。

    One time , back in the 1990s , I was leaving a game in Bradford at five o ' clock in the morning . It was winter , freezing cold , and I was carrying a lot of cash .

  25. 布拉德福德的主教NickBaines牧师说:“我认为这非常可笑。唯一一件让我放不下心的事情是,从他的腰围和裤子看,他的那身衣服不怎么合身。”

    Bishop of Bradford , the Rt Rev Nick Baines , said : ' I think it 's dead funny . The only thing that concerns me - judging from the waistline and tights - is that he doesn 't look that fit . "

  26. 宾恩73岁时从一家磨坊退休,后来住到了位于布拉德福德郊区的一家养老院。

    Bean retired from her job as a mill worker when she was73 .

  27. 布拉德福德并不是我想像中的那样,她不是一块文化上的荒原。

    Culturally Bradford was not the howling wilderness I had been led to expect .

  28. 谁是代表布拉德福德的下院议员?

    Who 's the MP for Bradford ?

  29. 布拉德福德说道:我发现同龄消费者的行为发生了巨大的转变。

    What I saw was a huge consumer behavior shift in my demographic , Bradford says .

  30. 毕业后,布拉德福德成为一名销售工程师,后来在企业云计算公司salesforce.com担任客户经理。

    Bradford then landed a job as a sales engineer and later account executive at salesforce.com .