
  • 网络Burqin;burqin county
  1. 在布尔津县北部的一个山口附近,一位名叫罗斯汉(Los’han)的男子正在和家人拆掉毡帐,同时把家当扔上一辆白色的平板卡车。

    North of the town of Burqin , near a mountain pass , a man named Los'han was dismantling his yurt with his family and tossing their furniture into the back of a white flatbed truck .

  2. 布尔津县农业可持续发展模式与实践

    Model and practice of continual development agriculture in Burqin county

  3. 新疆布尔津县土地利用格局特征研究

    Land Use Patch of Characteristics of Burqin County of Xinjiang

  4. 喀纳斯湖位于新疆阿勒泰地区布尔津县。

    The breathtaking landscape is located in Burerjin County of Aletai area in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region .

  5. 方法:分别在新疆吐鲁番市区和布尔津县两地采用随机整群抽样的方法,抽取9~12岁儿童478名。

    METHODS : A total of478 children at age of9-12 years from Tulufan City and Buerjin County of Xinjiang Province were enrolled by random cluster sampling .

  6. 在系统分析布尔津县自然社会条件和主要制约因素的基础上,结合作物生产的试验与示范提出了农业可持续发展的模式。

    Based on the systems analysis of natural and social condition and primary restrict factors of Burqin county , the model of continual development agriculture was advanced combined with the experimentation and demonstration of crop product .