
  • 网络Budesonide;Pulmicort;BUD;Entocort;Budenofalk
  1. 方法:采用多层液体冲击器法与HPLC测定不同粒径范围内布地奈德的含量。

    METHOD : The contents of budesonide in different size range were determined by multistage liquid impinger and HPLC .

  2. 沙丁胺醇合并布地奈德雾化吸入治疗毛细支气管炎疗效的Meta分析

    Nebulized salbutamol and budesonide for the treatment of bronchiolitis : a meta-analysis

  3. NMR在布地奈德-R结构确定及其产品质量控制上的应用

    Application of NMR for Structure Elucidation and Quality Control of Budesonide-R Products

  4. 布地奈德对A549细胞胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素表达作用的研究

    Effect of budesonide on the expression of thymic stromal lymphopoietin in A549 cells

  5. 布地奈德对哮喘豚鼠气道重塑和BALF中PCⅢ、LN及HA含量的影响

    The Effects of Budesonide on Airway Remodelling and Contents of PC ⅲ, LN and HA in BALF in Asthmatic Guinea-pigs

  6. 目的观察布地奈德(BUD)吸入对小儿急性喉炎、喉气管支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective To observe the therapeutic effect of budesonide ( BUD ) inhalation on acute infectious laryngitis and laryngotracheobronchitis in children .

  7. 鼻腔应用布地奈德对鼻息肉中IL-5表达的作用

    Effects of intranasal Budesonide on IL-5 expression in nasal polyps

  8. 布地奈德对鼻息肉中RANTES的影响

    Effect of budesonide on RANTES expression in nasal polyps

  9. 雾化吸入布地奈德对肺纤维化大鼠肺组织MMP-2、TIMP-2表达的影响

    The Effect of Inhaled Budesonide on the Expression of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 in Lung Tissue of Pulmonary Fibrosis Rats

  10. 布地奈德MPI期应用可显著抑制变应性鼻炎大鼠模型鼻粘膜EOS的浸润。

    Budesonide significantly inhibited the rat model of allergic rhinitis nasal mucosa EOS infiltration with application in MPI . 3 .

  11. 联合吸入福莫特罗和布地奈德干粉剂对稳定期COPD的疗效观察布地奈德福莫特罗吸入治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病稳定期疗效观察

    Therapeutic effects of inhaling budesonide and formoterol in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Clinical Observation of Budesonide Formoterol Inhalation for Patient with COPD at Stable Stage

  12. 采用HPLC法测定了布地奈德气雾剂中布地奈德总量、每揿含量、有效部位药物沉积量及R-异构体的含量。

    A HPLC method for determination of the total content , the content per spout , the deposition ratio in the effective position and R - isomer in budesonide aerosol was presented .

  13. 结论雾化吸入布地奈德能改善COPD急性加重期患者的肺功能与临床症状。

    Conclusion The study suggested that the therapy of inhaled corticosteroids ( ICS ) can improve pulmonary function and clinical symptoms in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD .

  14. 结果:布地奈德粉吸入剂微粒分布与流速、吸入器的结构均有关,吸出量在流速30L·min-1~60L·min-1范围内随流速的增加而增大。

    RESULTS : The size distribution of budesonide powders for inhalation was affected by flow rate and structure of turbuhaler .

  15. 结论盐酸氨溴索、布地奈德混悬液氧气驱动雾化吸入防治NRDS有较好疗效。

    Conclusion Inhaled ambroxol hydrochloride and budesonide suspension treatment has be well effect in NRDS .

  16. 糖皮质类激素布地奈德可显著抑制JNK蛋白合成及活化,为糖皮质激素治疗变应性鼻炎的机制提供新的方向。

    Glucocorticoid hormones Budesonide significantly inhibited the activation of JNK protein synthesis and for glucocorticoid treatment of allergic rhinitis mechanism of a new direction .

  17. 目的:观察布地奈德气雾剂治疗小儿哮喘前后的最高呼气峰流速值(PEF)的变化。

    Objective : To observe the differences of peak expiratory flow ( PEF ) before and after budesonide aerosol inhalation for children 's asthma .

  18. 之后,患者随机分为两组,一组继续接受每日6mg的布地奈德,另一组接受安慰剂。

    The patients were randomized either to continue with budesonide at6 mg per day or to receive placebo .

  19. 结论:长期吸入布地奈德对PPD直径在10~15mm之间无结核活动的哮喘儿童是安全、有效的。

    Conclusion : Long term inhaled small doses of budesonide was safe and effective in PPD-positive ( 10 ~ 15 mm ) but without active TB asthmatic children .

  20. 布地奈德对支气管哮喘缓解期lgE水平影响的观察

    Budesonide on bronchial asthma in remission stage the level of the impact of observation lgE

  21. 目的探讨长期地联合吸入布地奈德与福莫特罗对稳定期中重度慢性阻塞性肺疾病(ChronicObstructivepulmonaryDisease,COPD)患者的肺功能、生活质量的影响以及药物的不良反应。

    Objectives To evaluate the influence of combination therapy of chronically inhaling budesonide and formoterol on lung function , health-related quality of life to patients and untoward reaction of drugs with moderate or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD ) of stabilization period .

  22. 对于吸烟和不吸烟的哮喘患者,低剂量的布地奈德疗法减缓FEV1值绝对下降的程度是相似的。

    Low-dose budesonide treatment significantly reduced the absolute decline in FEV1 to a similar extent in asthmatic patients who smoke and those who do not smoke .

  23. 最近,本实验室研究了吸入布地奈德对豚鼠过敏性哮喘反应的快速效应作用,发现布地奈德能够在10min内快速抑制豚鼠支气管哮喘的急性发作,但是这种快速效应作用的机制还不清楚。

    Recently in our laboratory , it had been demonstrated that inhaled budesonide could inhibit allergic asthma reaction in guinea pigs within 10 minutes .

  24. 布地奈德组每次激发前予布地奈德雾化吸入,地塞米松组每次激发予地塞米松(0.2mg/kg)腹腔注射。

    Before sensitized , budesonide suspension group were administered inhalation of budesonide suspension , and dexamethasone group were administered abdominal injection of dexamethasone .

  25. 结论布地奈德联合沙丁胺醇雾化吸入可显著降低急性哮喘发作患儿气道分泌物内嗜酸性细胞、中性粒细胞和单核细胞数量及IL-8、IL-6、TNF-α水平。

    Levels of IL-8 、 IL-6 and TNF - α were elevated during the acute exacerbation and decreased at resolution . Conclusion Therapy of inhaled budesonide and salbutamol can reduce inflammatory cells and cytokines concentrations in induced sputum from children with an acute exacerbation of asthma .

  26. 目的探讨治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎的方法,观察α-2b干扰素(r-IFNα-2b)、布地奈德和沙丁胺醇综合治疗婴幼儿毛细支气管炎的疗效。

    Objective To explore the treatment of infants bronchiolitis and observe the therapeutic effectiveness of interferon α - 2b , budesonide and salbutamol on infant bronchiolitis .

  27. 目的:研究联合应用布地奈德(BUD)和不对称二基精氨酸(ADMA)对哮喘大鼠气道炎症和Ⅲ型前胶元(PCⅢ)表达的影响,探讨该法预防哮喘气道重塑的意义。

    Objective : To study the effect of Budesonide ( BUD ) combined with asymmetric dimethylargnine ( ADMA ) on airway inflammation and expression of procollagen type III ( PC III ) in lung of asthmatic rats , to explore its significance in prevention of airway remodeling .

  28. 目的探讨盐酸氨溴索、布地奈德混悬液氧气驱动雾化吸入防治早产儿呼吸窘迫综合征(NRDS)的效果。

    Objective To explore the effect of inhaled ambroxol hydrochloride ( mucosolvan ) and budesonide suspension ( pulmicort respules ) on the prevention and treatment of neonatal respiratory distress syndrome ( NRDS ) .

  29. 目的:比较雾化吸入布地奈德与静滴甲泼尼松龙在慢性阻塞性肺疾病急性加重期(AECOPD)的疗效及安全性。

    Objective : To evaluate the efficacy and safety of nebulized budesonide ( NB ) and intravenous methylprednisolone ( IVM ) on acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( AECOPD ) .

  30. Bonderup博士向路透社健康新闻表示,“这项研究还显示,布地奈德对这种疾病的维持治疗是有效的。”

    Bonderup told Reuters Health . " In this study it was also shown that budesonide is effective in maintenance treatment of the disease . "