
  • 网络Fabric sofa;kbh
  1. 五彩缤纷的布艺沙发设计

    Various and Colorful Fabric Sofa Design

  2. 企业产品涵盖意大利真皮沙发、布艺沙发、茶几、餐桌椅等。

    The products of the Company cover Italian leather sofa , Fabric sofa , tea table , dinner table , dinner chair etc.

  3. 只,写字台一张,布艺沙发,实木地板。

    Furniture : Wooden furniture , wooden floor , cloth sofa .

  4. 在罗纹机上开发布艺沙发和汽车坐椅面料

    Development of the fabric-sofa and car seat used fabrics on the rib knitting machine

  5. 柔和的布艺沙发餐椅,为餐区增加了温馨舒适的感觉。

    Soft cloth art sofa chair , for food division added sweet and comfortable feeling .

  6. 康吉美家具厂是一家拥有多年历史的专业真皮布艺沙发(制品)生产企业。

    S.conger sofa is a long history of professional leather sofa fabric ( product ) manufacturers .

  7. 布艺沙发表面材料以纺织品为主,辅以木材、金属等兼作结构件的装饰件。

    Fabric sofa surface materials mainly used the textile , supplemented by a structure of wood , metal and double as decorative pieces .

  8. 布艺沙发制造工艺复杂,所用的材料繁多,且布艺沙发多为整装,报废困难。

    Fabric sofa has a range of complex manufacturing process , because of the materials used much , fabric sofa whole fixed and difficult to scrap .

  9. 只有把握好自已产品的质量和服务质量,坚信布艺沙发这行肯定有很好的市场前景。

    Only a good grasp of their own product quality and service quality , and firmly believe that this line of fabric sofa certainly have a very good market prospects .

  10. 市场经营定位为:装饰布、窗帘、沙发布、布艺沙发、纺织原料、家纺成品。

    The market management localization is : The decoration cloth , the window blind , the sand issued , the cloth skill sofa , the textile raw material , the home textile product .

  11. 清洗沙发规范及操作:包括各种真皮、布艺的沙发。

    Sofa cleaning specification and operation : including all kinds of leather , fabric sofa .