
  • 网络Bloomington;Bloomington, Indiana
  1. JohanBollen和他的在印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校的同事们,在分析成千上万的美国人发布的推文的基础上,已经创建了一个焦虑等级。

    Johan Bollen and his colleagues at Indiana University in Bloomington have created an anxiety rating based on an analysis of hundreds of millions of tweets by people in the US .

  2. 第二年,我们到伊利诺伊的布卢明顿拜访了费姨父和塔蒂姨妈。

    The following year we visited Uncle Fay and Aunt Tattie in Bloomington , Illinois .

  3. 这个布卢明顿市的男人,在印地安纳大学当油漆工。他每月仅需付1美圆就能得到“联合保险”。

    The Bloomington man , working as a printer for Indiana University , paid just $ 1 a month for a broad array of coverage with low co-pays .

  4. 这个男孩还曾经乘坐轻轨列车到布卢明顿的水上公园去玩过,他在车站等着一大家子人检票如站,然后和他们站在一起。

    The boy also has a history of riding light-rail trains to a Bloomington water park , where he waits until a large family is entering and joins them .

  5. 印第安纳大学布卢明顿分校的地球化学家爱德华·里普利称,该发现解开了一个困惑研究人员几十年的谜团。里普利没有参与这项研究。

    The discovery solves a mystery that has dogged researchers for decades , says geochemist Edward Ripley of Indiana University , Bloomington , who was not affiliated with the study .

  6. 自从两年前布卢明顿录音工作室老板从镇外一个工具棚里救出这只有些基因突变的小猫咪,她的名气开始以各种方式令人难以置信地传播。

    Since the Bloomington recording-studio owner rescued the tiny kitten with several genetic mutations from a toolshed outside of town two years ago , her fame has spread in ways unimaginable .

  7. 这个男孩还曾经乘坐轻轨列车到布卢明顿的水上公园去玩过,他在车站“等着一大家子人检票如站,然后和他们站在一起。”据社区官员说,他们在与男孩交流的时候,

    The boy also has a history of riding light-rail trains to a Bloomington water park , where he " waits until a large family is entering and joins them . "