
  1. 同时,论文还从生产计划、技术改造、组织结构、人力资源管理及市场经营策略等几个方面作了一定的分析,为保障公司战略的顺利实施提供了建议。

    Meanwhile , the dissertation also provides some proposal for strategic enforcement from several aspects of production , technology innovation , organization structure , human resource management and marketing .

  2. CBA职业联赛品牌的形成及其市场推广经营策略

    Brand Forming and Marketing Strategy of Professional League CBA

  3. 高校体育产业市场化经营策略探讨

    Research on Strategies of Management of Sports Industry of Universities and Colleges

  4. 吉林北方通信公司市场经营拓展策略

    Jilin Nouth Communication Company 's Market Management and Extending Strategy

  5. 探讨台湾中小型家族企业在大陆市场之经营策略

    Exploration of Corporate Strategy of Taiwan Small and Medium Family Businesses in Mainland

  6. 水产品批发市场的经营策略及其物流规划研究

    Research on the Operation Strategy and Logistics Programming of Aquatic Products Wholesale Market

  7. 在此基础上提出了在国际干散货航运市场的经营策略。

    On the basis of that , it advances some operation strategies in international dry-bulk shipping market .

  8. 介绍了加油机结构方块图及工作原理,并对其市场和经营策略进行了分析。

    The functional block diagram and working principle of refueling machine are introduced , and the market and business strategy for this product are analyzed .

  9. 在分析书院文化旅游发展策略上,本文认为必须理顺书院文化旅游的管理体系,明确各方责任和义务,探索建立市场化的经营策略。

    In order to analyze the development strategy of Academy and Cultural Tourism , that must rationalize the Academy and Cultural Tourism management system , responsibilities and obligations of the parties , and explore the establishment of market-oriented business strategy .

  10. 在前面理论研究的基础上,本文以明基电通股份有限公司在中国大陆笔记本电脑市场中的经营策略为例,讨论了其以品牌管理为核心竞争力的管理实践。

    In light of the theories discussed before , the thesis takes the Benq Corporation as an example , in which the business strategy of taking brand as its core competence is being used since it entered the notebook computer market of mainland .

  11. 通过对中国电信自身经营移动业务能力进行SWOT分析等综合分析,提出了市场导入期的经营策略建议,包括产品组合、价格策略、渠道策略、终端策略及品牌策略等。

    And raise its advise of managing strategy ( including products combination , Pricing strategy , channel strategy , terminal strategy and brand strategy ) through the SWOT analysis of China Telecom ability of managing mobile business .

  12. 我国中小企业在欧盟市场开展国际化经营的策略分析

    Tactical Analysis on International Operation of Our Country 's SME in the EU Market

  13. 满足东方人的口味以便提高市场份额仅仅是经营策略的一个方面。

    Catering to oriental taste in order to boost market share is only one dimension of the corporate weaponry .

  14. 同时也期望该项研究能够对民营企业参与市场竞争,制定经营策略,实现企业的健康持续发展提供科学的参考依据。

    That is our expectation this study can provide reference for small and medium private enterprise competition , strategy making and the sustainable and healthy development .

  15. 本文的选题是在这一背景下产生的,文章主要针对在新的形势下,我国航运企业该如何抓住市场搞好LPG船舶的经营,以及应对不同的市场采取何种经营策略进行了研究。

    Above is the thesis ' background , it mainly discusses how to manage LPG carrier and the different strategy to deal with various market .

  16. 通过研究得出,携程中小企业商旅管理项目业绩增长缓慢的根本症结为:市场竞争战略模糊不清;产品市场定位基础不科学;产品市场经营策略残缺不全。

    Studies the SMEs project results for the slow growth of the fundamental crux : market competition strategy blurred ; product market positioning scientific basis ; product market business strategy incomplete .