
  • 网络Market surveillance;market supervision
  1. 麻疹减毒活疫苗市场监督检验质量分析和评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on Quality of Live Attenuated Measles Vaccine from Market Surveillance Sampling

  2. 第二节从外部监管的角度探析私募基金的风险控制,发挥行业协会和市场监督的间接监管职能。

    Section two from the external monitor perspective studies . Industry associations and market surveillance play an indirect regulatory function .

  3. 草案规定,餐饮服务提供者诱导、误导消费者超量点餐造成明显浪费的,由市场监督管理部门给予警告,拒不改正的,处一千元以上一万元以下罚款。

    Catering service providers may face a fine ranging from 1000 yuan to 10000 yuan if they encourage or mislead consumers into ordering excessive quantities of food which causes waste , and refuse to rectify the problem after being warned by market supervision departments , according to the draft law .

  4. 即政府应该明确可以实施MBO的范围,完善MBO相关法规体系和建立市场监督机制。

    Perfect relevant legitimate system and establish a perfect market-monitoring system .

  5. GMP认证现场检查与药品质量标准、市场监督协同性的思考

    Some Thinking on the Coordination Among GMP Certification , Quality Standard of Drug and Market Supervision

  6. 20国集团(g20)不妨以非对抗的方式,开始着手处理这个问题,坚定地把建设大宗商品市场监督机制列入议程。

    The group of 20 can begin to bring this about in a non-confrontational manner by putting mechanisms to monitor commodity markets firmly on its agenda .

  7. 农机市场监督管理亟待加强

    The Supervision Work for Agricultural Machinery Market Need to Be Strengthened

  8. 外部监督机制主要包括市场监督和法制监督。

    The external supervision mechanism refers to market supervision and legal supervision .

  9. 医疗市场监督管理更加困难。

    And supervision and control of the medical market will turn more difficult .

  10. 建立健全市场监督机制。

    A complete market supervising mechanism should be established ;

  11. 建立健全农产品检测体系,形成市场监督检测机制;

    To establish a monitoring system for agricultural products , forming market detection mechanisms ;

  12. 食品添加剂与人体健康及市场监督浅析

    The food additive with the health and analyze briefly the supervision by market forces

  13. 建立我国体育产业市场监督管理体制模式的研究

    Research on Establishing Supervise and Management System Model of Sports Industry Market in China

  14. 旅游市场监督博弈分析

    A Game Analysis on Tourism Market Supervision

  15. 再次对独立审计市场监督系统进行理论分析及考察。

    Again , we have a theoretical analysis and study on independent audit market supervision system .

  16. 加强信息披露,提高透明度,发挥市场监督作用。

    Reinforce information disclosure , enhance transparency , and bring the market supervision into full play .

  17. 关于市场监督管理体制的建构

    Market-Administration System in China : Construction

  18. 改革考核体系,完善资本市场监督机制。

    Reforming the system of appraising corporate performance and perfecting the supervising mechanism of capital market .

  19. 我们完全支持这一指示是非常透彻的使用,包括信息后市场监督。

    We fully support that the instructions for use are very thorough , including information from post-market surveillance .

  20. 因方老板拒绝接受罚款,市场监督管理部门同意举行公开听证会。

    When Fang refused to accept the fine , the marketing supervision administration agreed to hold a public hearing .

  21. 法制建设滞后、上市公司缺乏市场监督是其重要原因。

    The important reasons of it are the lagged construction of law and the lackness of supervision for public companies .

  22. 完善的内部治理结构和市场监督机制是家族企业引入职业经理人的必要条件。

    The complete governance structure and market monitoring system are the necessary conditions for family firms to recruit the good professional managers .

  23. 第二,实证检验中国商业银行次级债的市场监督作用和市场影响作用。

    Secondly , we test the market supervision effect and market impact effect of subordinated debts issued by commercial banks in China .

  24. 在农产品质量安全监督管理中,市场监督是“纲”,生产环节的监督管理是“目”。

    Market supervision is the key link , and agricultural production is ordinary link in the supervision management mechanisms of food quality safety .

  25. 日本官员同时表示,他们正与中国和韩国合作,建立一个协调金融市场监督的论坛。

    Japanese officials meanwhile said they were working with China and South Korea to set up a forum to coordinate financial market supervision .

  26. 结论加强农药登记制度和市场监督是保证卫生杀虫剂产品质量安全、有效和杜绝假冒伪劣等不合格产品生产和销售的重要措施。

    Conclusion Insecticide register systems and market monitoring are the important measures to ensure the products'safety and efficacy , preventing counterfeit and reject .

  27. 2020年11月,国家市场监督管理总局发布《网络平台反垄断规则(征求意见稿)》,并向社会公开征求意见。

    In November 2020 , the State Administration for Market Regulation issued the anti-monopoly draft rules for online platforms and made it open for public consultation .

  28. 本部分提出了完善法律法规、健全监管制度、加强银行内部约束与促进市场监督四个方面的建议,以期构建多元化、多主体相辅相成的银行信息披露制度体系。

    This part suggests to build a diversified commercial bank information disclosure mechanism by law , system of regulatory , internal restraint of banks and market supervision .

  29. 依法对违反证券市场监督管理法律、行政法规的行为进行查处;

    Investigate and handle according to the law any conduct that violates the laws and administrative regulations formulated for the supervision and administration of the securities market ;

  30. (一)依法制定有关证券市场监督管理的规章、规则,并依法行使审批或者核准权;

    Formulate rules and regulations related to the supervision and administration of the securities market according to law and exercise its examination and approval power according to law ;