
  1. 北京市果蔬市场流通组织新模式演化发展的过程可以划分为四个形态阶段。

    The evolvement of the new system can be plot as four steps .

  2. 运用该模型测定:目前北京市果蔬市场流通组织模式处于初始发展阶段,虽已开始向初级发展阶段进行质的转化,但主要状态特征还属于初始发展阶段。

    With this model , the following are measured : circulation system of fruit and vegetable in Beijing is at its beginning , although it has already begin to transfer to a new step .

  3. 中国农村以小规模、大群体为特征的产业组织形态,决定了专业批发市场这种流通组织形式。中国经济发展的区域不平衡性,决定了农村专业批发市场发展的区域不平衡性。

    As an organizational form of circulation featuring traditional markets , the rural specialized wholesale market is mainly determined by China 's specific conditions and its rural economic characteristics at current stage , coupled with low concentration of rural commodity production .

  4. 农产品批发市场是农产品流通组织制度建设的中心环节,起着农产品流通的中心枢纽作用。

    Agricultural products wholesale market is the center of all agricultural products circulating institutions .

  5. 农村专业批发市场作为一种具有传统市场形态特征的流通组织形式,是由现阶段中国国情和农村经济特点所决定的,也是由农村商品交易特性及市场合约行为特征所决定的。

    Acting as an organizational form with the characteristics of traditional market , the specialized wholesale market in the countryside is determined by China 's current state conditions and characteristics of rural economy , and also by the special nature of rural commodity transaction and market contract act .