
bā lí ɡōnɡ shè
  • the Paris Commune
  1. 巴黎公社的原则闪耀着不灭的光辉。

    The principles of the Paris Commune radiates with eternal light .

  2. “巴黎公社”将永垂史册,流芳百世。

    “ The Paris Commune ” will go down in history and hand down a good reputation to a hundred future generations .

  3. 《国际歌》体现了巴黎公社的革命精神。

    The Internationale embodies the revolutionary spirit of the Paris commune .

  4. 巴黎公社的公开性原则及其现实意义

    The Publicity Principle of the Paris Commune and Its Practical Signification

  5. 1871年爆发了英勇的巴黎公社起义。

    The year 1871 witnessed the heroic uprising of the Paris Commune .

  6. 论巴黎公社的社会公仆意识

    On the Sense of Public Servant in the Paris Commune

  7. 巴黎公社在马克思主义发展史上的历史地位

    Paris Commune Revolution and Its Historical Position in the History of Marxism

  8. 巴黎公社原则的当代启示

    The Enlightenment in Present Times of the Principle of the Paris Commune

  9. 1980年代以来学术界对巴黎公社研究评述

    A Review of Studies on the Paris Commune of Academic Circles since 1980s

  10. 她写了一本关于巴黎公社的书。

    She wrote a book on the Paris commune .

  11. 巴黎公社运动中以人为本思想及其当代启示

    Human Centre Idea of Paris ' Commune and Its Enlighten in the Contemporary Time

  12. 巴黎公社社会建设的逻辑蕴涵与当代价值

    The Logical Implication on Social Construction of the Paris Commune and Its Contemporary Value

  13. 马克思主义法理念的首次尝试是在巴黎公社时期。

    Marxist philosophy is the first attempt to method in the Paris commune period .

  14. 巴黎公社起义纪念日

    Anniversary of the Uprising of the Paris Commune

  15. 巴黎公社的经济措施

    Economic measures adopted by Paris Commune

  16. 从苏联社会主义的失败看如何坚持巴黎公社的公仆原则

    Public Servant 's Principle of the Paris Commune Judged by the Collapse of Socialism in the Former Soviet Union

  17. 巴黎公社是马克思的重建个人所有制的社会雏形。

    The Paris Commune is the social rudiments to practice Marx 's theory of " rebuilding the individual ownership " .

  18. 突如其来的胜利理想与现实的冲突&论巴黎公社革命的失误根源

    A Sudden Triumph and the Conflict Between Ideal and Reality & on the Source of Mistakes in the Paris Commune Revolution

  19. 马克思在总结巴黎公社的经验时使用了这一概念。

    Marx referred to the idea as very important for establishing socialist regime when he concluded the experience of Paris Commune .

  20. 试论巴黎公社的公仆原则与苏联社会主义的兴亡

    On the principle of public servants advanced by the Paris Commune and the rise and fall of socialism in the former Soviet Union

  21. 巴黎公社仅仅存在了七十二天,却给整个人类世界留下了无尽的精神财富与宝贵的实践经验。

    Paris Commune of 1871 only existed for 72 days , but left numerous spiritual wealth and precious practical experience for human society .

  22. 马克思、恩格斯根据唯物主义历史观和巴黎公社革命的实践,首创了无产阶级社会公仆的理论。

    According to the historical materialism and the Paris commune revolution , Mars and Engels great the theory of Marxism social public servant .

  23. 巴黎公社革命有两项致命的失误:没有乘胜进军凡尔赛;

    There are two fatal mistakes in the Paris Commune Revolution : First , it did not follow up a victory with hot pursuit till Versailles ;

  24. 列宁领导苏维埃人民构建廉价政府和廉洁政府的理论与实践根源于马克思总结巴黎公社经验时所提出的廉价政府理论。

    Lenin led the Soviet people in building a low-cost government and clean government rooted in Marxist experience on the Paris Commune of cheap government theory .

  25. 马克思主义政体思想继承了西方传统中既强调政治制度,又强调社会结构的大政体观,其政体实践徘徊于巴黎公社式平民政体与苏联式精英政体之间。

    Marxist 's thought on Form of Government carries on macro-politeia view in the Western political tradition , which practice wandered between the plebeian politeia and the elite 's.

  26. 男女老少日夜守卫阵地,为保卫巴黎公社流尽了最后一滴血。

    Men and women , young and old , guarded the positions night and day and shed their last drop of blood in defence of the Paris Commune .

  27. 巴黎公社运动失败后出现质疑历史唯物主义的声音,然而质疑本身不过是凭借旧的哲学方法理解新的历史观点。

    It turned up the voice of challenging historical materialism after the defeat of the Commune de Paris campaign , however challenging itself understood fresh history views with old philosophy methods .

  28. 敌视巴黎公社、遍及全关的红色大恐慌以及针对红色革命而开展的帕尔默大搜捕都是其中的典型事例。

    The typical examples includes being hostile to Paris Commune , " Red Scare " which spread all over America , and Palmer Raids which was dead against the Red Revolution .

  29. 巴黎公社起义失败后仅仅两天,马克思就向第一国际总委员会宣读了他的名著《法兰西内战》。

    Only two days after the fall of the Paris Commune , Marx read out to the General Council of the First International his famous work The Civil War in France .

  30. 巴黎公社的许多革命措施开启了社会主义政治文明建设的第一步,它为现代政治文明建设提供了许多有益的经验。

    The revolutionary measures of Paris Commune have started the first step of the political civilization construction of socialist . It has offered a lot of helpful experience for the construction of the modern political civilization .