
  • 网络Baroque Churches
  1. 从萨格勒布(Zagreb)出发,向北一小时,就来到了这个五万人口的重要小城。完美无瑕的卵石镇中心到处是巴洛克教堂和宫殿,比如Draskovic宫,这一主题还将延续至一年一度的巴洛克音乐节,但也就到此为止。

    One hour north of Zagreb , this small metropolis of 50000 has an immaculate cobblestoned town center and is stocked with Baroque churches and palaces like the Draskovic . The theme continues with an annual Baroque music festival , but that 's where it ends .

  2. 在建筑外形上,虽然巴洛克教堂式样很快为其他建筑物所效法,但这时期巴黎建筑学院仍是古典主义的大本营。

    In the architectural appearance , although baroque churches style for other building as soon , but this period of Paris is still building classical base camp .

  3. 一座纯粹的巴洛克教堂;古老的庭院;装饰华丽的图书馆,以及能够看到城市美景的咖啡露台:可以连续数小时愉快地享受这个平静的地区。

    A pure baroque church ; old courtyards ; a sumptuous rococo library and a caf é - terrace with wonderful views of the city : one can happily enjoy this serene district for hours .

  4. 圣莱昂纳多的巴洛克式教堂值得一看。

    The baroque church of San Leonardo is worth a quick look .

  5. 菲律宾的巴洛克风格教堂

    Baroque Churches of the Philippines

  6. “阿特米奥克鲁斯”里的叙述者想象在一个巴洛克风格的教堂里

    The narrator in " Artemio Cruz " imagines in a baroque church

  7. 花板和隔板的装置与一座巴洛克风格老教堂的侧堂非常相似。

    because of its timbered barrel-vaulted ceiling and shelving that resembles side chapels of an old baroque church .

  8. 这里的历史丰富,历史景点繁多&从高卢罗马人遗迹到巴洛克风格的教堂,从老式住宅区到中世纪的村庄。

    Steeped in history , it has a wealth of historical sites ranging from Gallo-Roman remains to Baroque churches and old quarters to medieval villages .

  9. 面前这座外表古朴简洁的巴洛克式双塔大教堂便是过去的圣加仑修道院。

    The simple baroque cathedral with a double tower is the former St Gallen abbey .