
  1. 论巴金小说的西方文化接受

    On the Western Culture Acceptance of Ba Jin 's Novel

  2. 寒夜中的家&论巴金小说的文化超越性

    The " Family " in the " Cold Night " & About The Culture Transcending in Ba Jin 's Novels

  3. 本我与自我、超我的交错和冲突&巴金小说《寒夜》人物的精神分析

    The Interlock and Conflict among Id , Ego and Super-ego & The Psychoanalysis of the Personage in Cold Night by Ba Jin

  4. 巴金小说的创作方法与以“两结合”为最高形态的主流创作方法有其一致性,即对于旧制度的批判;

    The creation method of Bajin 's fictions has some consistency with the mainstream creation method , namely , the criticism to the old system .

  5. 论巴金家庭小说的主体意识

    On the Subject Awareness in Ba Jin 's Family Novels

  6. 结束语是对现代作家的家族小说,特别是巴金家族小说,从祖父子结构展现封建家族制度解体的评价。

    The conclusion is the evaluation on modern writers ' using " grandfather-father-son " structure to implicate the disintegration of feudal familial system especially in Ba jin 's saga novles .

  7. 第六章是巴金家族小说的文体叙事特征,包括叙述策略、代际共同特征、长子叙事三个部分。

    Chapter VI , " Characteristics of stylistic narration in Ba Jin 's saga novels ", includes narrative tactic , the common feature among generations and the eldest son 's narrative .

  8. 家的解构与重建&巴金家庭题材小说的现代性追求

    Deconstruction Reconstruction of " Family " On pursuit of modernity of Ba Jin 's family novels

  9. 揭露和批判封建家庭的罪恶是巴金家庭题材小说创作的总主题。

    The general theme of Ba Jin 's family-themed stories is to disclose and criticize the wickedness of feudal families .

  10. 第二章是巴金与旧家族制度,探讨了巴金对家族小说情有独钟的成长经历和体验。

    Chapter II , entitled " Ba jin and old familial system ", is the exploration of Ba Jin 's writing experiences of his favorite saga novels .

  11. 由于巴金阅读了许多外国作家的作品,他的美学思想受西方文学影响比较深,尤其是法国文学和俄国文学对巴金小说美学思想的形成起了重要作用。

    Because Ba Jin has read a lot of foreign writers ' works , his aesthetic thought is influenced by western literature deeply . French literature and Russia literature play an important role in the forming of Ba Jin novel aesthetic thought especially .