
  • 网络Ba culture
  1. 论早期巴文化的形成和发展

    The formation and development of Early Ba culture

  2. 概述了巴文化青铜文化的总体特征和巴人的生产活动。

    Summarizing the general features and the Ba culture of bronze culture production activities .

  3. 巴文化与三峡旅游

    " Ba " Culture and Tourism in the Region of Three Gorges

  4. 三峡考古与巴文化研究

    Archeology in the Three Gorges Area and the Study of Ba People 's Culture

  5. 论早期巴文化

    On Early Ba Culture

  6. 本文主要探讨了巴文化的起源问题和考古学意义上早期巴文化的文化面貌。

    This paper deals mainly with the origin of Ba culture and the archaeological appearance of Early Ba Culture .

  7. 三峡文化、巴文化与土家文化,是包含多层次、多方面内容的三种区域文化形态。

    Thee Gorges Culture , Ba Culture and Tujia Culture are three regional cultural forms containing different levels and aspects of contents .

  8. 釜是早期巴文化中最具代表性的器物,对后世的土家族文化产生过深远影响。

    Kettle is the most typical utensils of early Ba Culture and it has a far-reaching influence on the culture of Tu tribe .

  9. 目前关于蜀文化的研究,进展较深入,而巴文化的研究,是值得重视和加强的。

    The research of the Shu Culture is deeply developed at present and the research of the Ba Culture deserves more attention and strength .

  10. 由于其特殊的地理位置和文化面貌上浓厚的地方特色,使之成为晚期巴文化的一个重要地方类型。

    Due to it 's special location and distinct cultural feature , We taked it as a important type of Ba culture in later period .

  11. 在两国和两族间的冲突和交往中,巴文化和楚文化的交流与融合逐渐广泛、密切和深入。

    In conflicts and exchanges between the two kingdoms people , Ba culture and Chu cultural exchanged and integrated increasingly widespread , close and deep .

  12. 处于三峡腹心地带的忠县,在古代巴文化中占有重要的历史地位,它是巴文化发展、建树的历史重地。

    Zhongxian County is centered in the district of Three Gorges , where " Ba " culture possessed an important historical status in ancient times .

  13. 最后总结出重庆地区晚期巴文化的消亡过程的特殊性,以及消亡的必然性。

    Finally , this paper summarizes the speciality of the course of the decline of Late Ba Culture in Chongqing and the necessity of the decline of Late Ba Culture .

  14. 这揭开了我国古代巴人的起源之谜,也开创了我国早期巴文化研究的新局面。

    This idea has unveiled the enigma of the origin of ancient Ba people in China , and has initiated a new phase for the early Ba culture studies in China as well .

  15. 本文将依据历史文献和考古成果两方面对三峡地区巴文化的地位、忠县巴文化的特色、忠县巴文化旅游开发构想等三个方面进行研究。

    The thesis will be developed about " Ba " culture from the following three aspects : its significance in the region of Three Gorges , its characteristics and its tourist development at Zhongxian county .

  16. 本文即是试图进一步探寻形成楚文化独特风貌的原因及其与当地土著文化&巴文化的关系。

    This paper is attempt to further explore the formation of culture in Chu territory and its unique character , setting of the reasons for the local indigenous culture - the culture in Ba territory .

  17. 最后对早期巴文化和周边各种文化之间的关系进行分析,并探讨早期巴文化研究中存在的问题和未来研究的方向。

    At last , this paper analysis the relationship between Early Ba Culture and the peripheral cultures , then discuss the problem of researching Early Ba Culture and the orientation of the research in the future .

  18. 因此,对巴人、巴文化及其民族精神的研究,有助于深化对中华民族及中华民族精神的认识。

    Therefore , make a research on the ancient Ba people , the Ba culture and the Ba ethos , will help us to get a deeper understanding on our Chinese nation and its ethos . 2 .

  19. 而李家坝类型晚期巴文化的产生与多种文化在该地区碰撞、交流和融合有重要关系,其中楚、秦等外来文化因素的进入对李家坝类型晚期巴文化产生了重要影响。

    The emerge of this type was related to the interchange and merge between several kinds of culture in this area , in this course , the influence of Chu culture and Qin culture was very profound and lasting .

  20. 认为《九歌》不论从外在的文化土壤、还是从内在的情感倾向、意象选择和审美取向等都在很大程度上受到巴文化的影响。

    And then , I think that The Odes , whether from the external soil , or from the inherent tendency of the emotion , imagery and aesthetic choices are greatly influenced by the orientation of the culture in Ba territory .

  21. 这一部分包含三个小节:首先概述了夏商周时期和春秋战国及秦汉初期的与巴文化相关的考古材料的情况。

    This part includes three sections : the first provides an overview of the related with the Ba culture archaeological materials of Xia Shang Zhou period of spring and autumn and the Warring States and the Qin and Han Dynasties and early .

  22. 在三峡旅游地众多的文化类型中,三峡地区的巴文化是三峡文化厚实的文化底蕴,它对三峡的历史文化传承、社会风俗习惯以及人们的思想意识形态等都具有深远的影响。

    Among numerous culture types of the tourist region of Three Gorges ," Ba " culture is the most profound and influential . It has far-reaching influence on the continuity of history and culture , the traditions and customs , the ideology of people in the region of Three Gorges .

  23. “跳丧”是鄂西土家族的丧葬习俗,是鄂西土家在民间保存最完整、最古朴的一种古老民间舞蹈,也是巴土文化的一项重要内容。

    Tujia nationalitys " Jump for mourning " is a funeral custom and one kind of the most complete and plainest ancient folk dance on the western Hubei , it is also an important culture of the nation .

  24. 第四部分,就巴地巫文化的挖掘保护提出对策,希冀对巴地巫文化的传承抢救提供切实可行的方案。

    The fourth chapter proposes the countermeasures to the excavation and protection of Witchcraft culture of Ba , hoping to put forward feasible way to rescue and inherit Witchcraft culture of Ba .

  25. 最后,按照空间文化层理论分别从深层、中层、表层分层论述巴地巫文化在其后裔土家族的现代遗存。

    According to " Space cultural " theory , the last aspect discusses present remains of Witchcraft culture of Ba in its descendant & Tujia , from deep , middle , surface respectively .

  26. 最后对巴地巫文化对《楚辞》的影响进行分析,得出结论:巴地巫文化在文学艺术和神话传说两个方面影响了《楚辞》的创作。

    Draws the conclusion finally in the article : The Ba witch culture in the Ba song , the Ba dance and the myth fable two aspects has affected " Chu elegies " the creation .

  27. 巫巴山地的巫文化之所以得以较早产生、迅速成长且在当时发挥重大影响,其重要原因在于盐的存在。

    Witch witch Bashan culture is able to produce an earlier , rapid growth and significant influence at the time , its important reason is the presence of salt .

  28. 进入夏商以后,古老的巴族活跃在这里,建立起泱泱巴国,创造了自成一系的巴文化。

    After the birth of Xia and Shang Dynasty , ancient Ba tribe flourished in this area and established a great Ba State and created Ba culture .

  29. 魔巴是佤族社会中从事原始宗教祭祀的巫师,是佤族传统社会中的知识分子,对传承佤文化并推动佤族社会发展起过重大作用。应历史地辩证地看待魔巴的文化功能。

    " MOBA " is a wizard in religious activities of the Wa Society and also the intellectual person . " MOBA " plays an important role in the heritage and the development of the Wa society .