
  • 网络left ventricular enlargement;Enlargement of Left Ventricle;LVH
  1. 双心室及左心房增大,以左心室增大为主;

    Both ventricles and left atrium are enlarged but the enlargement of left ventricle is prominent .

  2. 结果:X线平片显示肺血减少,右心房、左心室增大;

    Result : Chest X-ray showed pulmonary oligemia , right atrial and left ventricular enlargement .

  3. 慢性肾衰血液透析患者合并左心室增大或左心功能不全者,其血浆BNP水平显著高于左室或左心功能正常者,血浆BNP升高与左心室增大、左心功能减低有显著相关性。

    Plasma BNP levels in hemodialysis patients with dilated left ventricle or heart failure are significantly higher than those in patients with normal left ventricle or cardiac function , and high plasma BNP level is significantly correlated with dilated left ventricle and poor cardiac function .

  4. 本文结合心电图对72例心肌梗塞X线胸片进行观察,探讨心肌梗塞心脏X线表现及其相关因素,结果如下:1、心脏增大率54.2%,左心室增大为主,76.9%呈主动脉型增大。

    To investigate the cardiac X-ray features and the relative factors .

  5. 扩张型心肌病左心室增大程度与临床表现的关系

    Association between Clinical Features and Left Ventricular Enlargment in Patients with Dilated Cardiomyopathy

  6. 左心室增大占100%,左心房增大占657%,右心室增大占526%,右心房增大占315%。

    Left ventricular enlargement 100 % , Left atrial enlargement 65.7 % , right ventricular enlargement 52.6 % , right atrial enlargement 31.5 % .

  7. 研究人员注意到:负荷总分和左心室增大程度可以提供更加准确的预后信息,但是射血分数对本模型没有贡献。

    Summed stress scores and left entricular enlargement proided incremental prognostic information , the researchers note , but including left entricular ejection fraction did not improe the model .

  8. 超声心动图主动脉窦增宽16例(67%),左心室增大及二尖瓣返流3例(13%)。

    The dilation of the aortic sinus was detected in 16 children (( 67 % ),) and the dilations of left ventricle and mitral regurgitation were found in 3 children ( 13 % ) with echocardiogram .

  9. 结果:D组大鼠左心室内径增大、游离壁变薄,左室收缩功能下降;

    Result : The left ventricular contract funtion decreased significantly .

  10. 高血压最终导致心脏的主要动力泵区(左心室)的增大,这是可以通过“左心室容积系数”(或简写为LVMI)测得的。

    High blood pressure eventually leads to enlargement of the main pumping chamber of the heart , which is measured by the " left ventricular mass index " or LVMI .

  11. 结果:与脉滑变前相比:①人酒精性滑脉模型受试者的搏出量、心输出量、心指数、射血分数及左心室流出道流速增大;

    Results : ① Slippery pulse model of human subjects : the stroke volume ( SV ), cardiac output ( CO ), cardiac index ( CI ), ejection fraction ( EF ) and the peak velocity of the blood flow increased ;