- 名General Tso's chicken;batter-fried, then stir-fried with chili peppers

General Tso 's Chicken & which , by the way , in the US Naval Academy is called Admiral Tso 's Chicken . I love this dish .
At a restaurant , it 's general tso 's chicken .
The chicken chunks , battered and deep fried , are often covered with a thick sweet and sour sauce seasoned with soy sauce , rice wine , rice wine vinegar , sugar , cornstarch and dried red chili peppers .
Commenting on the reported comparison between rou jia mo and hamburgers , one Internet user said , " People like eating meat by sandwiching it between buns , whether they are in the East or the West . " General Tao 's Chicken
For many Jewish Americans , the night before Christmasconjures up visions , not of sugar plums , but plum sauce slathered over roastduck or an overstocked plate of beef lo mein , a platter of General Tso 's , and ( maybe ) some hot and sour soup .