
  1. 工商行政管理机关在监督检查商业贿赂行为时,可以对行贿行为和受贿行为一并予以调查处理。

    The administrative departments for Industry and Commerce may , when supervising and inspecting commercial bribery , investigate and handle briberies and corruptions as a whole .

  2. 第十六条广告经营者必须按照国家规定设置广告会计帐簿,依法纳税,并接受财政、审计、工商行政管理部门的监督检查。

    Article 16 . Advertising operators must , according to the relevant prescriptions of the State , set up bookkeeping records , pay taxes according to law and subject themselves to the control and inspection by the administrative departments respectively in charge of finance , auditing and industry and commerce .

  3. 县级以上质量监督、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门应当对食品进行定期或者不定期的抽样检验。

    The quality supervision departments , industry and commerce administrative departments and food and drug supervision and administration departments at and above the county level shall regularly or irregularly make food inspections by taking samples .

  4. 县级以上卫生行政、农业行政、质量监督、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门应当相互通报获知的食品安全信息。

    The health administrative department , agriculture administrative department , quality supervision department , industry and commerce administrative department and food and drug supervision and administration department at or above the county level shall notify each other of the food safety information they get .

  5. 对不再符合认证要求的企业,应当依法撤销认证,及时向有关质量监督、工商行政管理、食品药品监督管理部门通报,并向社会公布。

    If the enterprise no longer meets the certification requirements , it shall revoke the certification according to law and timely notify the quality supervision department , industry and commerce administrative department and food and drug supervision and administration department and make an announcement to the public .