
hé fǎ xìnɡ shěn chá yuán zé
  • examination of legality doctrine;review of legality doctrine
  1. 法院在对抽象行政行为进行审查时,应当奉行合法性审查原则、附带性审查原则和拒绝适用原则。

    In examining abstract administrative act , the court shall observe the principles of legality review , incidental review and refused application .

  2. 我国《行政诉讼法》实行以合法性审查为原则,以合理性审查为例外的制度,将大多数行政执法中的合理性问题排除在行政诉讼之外。

    The system that " lawful review is the principle while reasonable review in the exceptional " in Administrative Procedure Law practice excludes an absolute majority of reasonable matters in administration enforcement of law out of administrative procedure .

  3. 继续确立合法性、合理性审查原则,并加强对行政复议机关及其工作人员的监督。

    Besides , the principals of legal and reasonable investigations are proposed and the supervisions on the administration reconsideration organization and its staff should be enhanced .

  4. 同时,为了防止矫枉过正,本文对合法性审查的有限性原则亦作了阐述。

    Besides , this paper also describes the principle of the limited legality review .

  5. 学校教育惩戒的合法性审查必须包括价值原则的审查与重构,而学校教育惩戒所应奠基的三个价值基础是:正义、秩序与教育性。

    The legitimacy examination of school discipline should involve the examination and reconstruction of value principles and the three basic values of school discipline are justice , order , and education .

  6. 在这个前提下,本文以为要区别行政实体法原则与行政诉讼法上的司法审查原则,对于行政合法性适用合法性审查原则,但对于行政合理性审查以基本合理原则为恰当。

    Under the above mentioned opinions , this paper holds a different viewpoint that the principle of procedure law should be principle of being lawful and approximately rational , which distinguishes itself with the administrative substantive law .

  7. 同时,立法将大多数的行政自由裁量权排除在司法审查的范围之外,即使规定对其进行审查也仅仅局限于合法性审查,合理性审查原则还没得到立法的明确规定。

    Besides , the legislation eliminates most administrative discretionary power out of judicial review . Even if some discretionary power is regulated , the review of them is only in the aspect of validity , and the principle of reasonable review has not been regulated clearly .