
  • 网络Motivation;work motivation;Job motivation
  1. 重庆市企事业人员工作动机的研究

    Study on Work Motivation of Enterprise and Public Service in Chongqing

  2. 企事业人员工作动机研究

    A Study of Employees ′ Work Motivation in Enterprise and Public Service

  3. 激发体育教师工作动机的兴奋点太少。

    There is little inspiration for the working motivation of P.

  4. 工作动机理论的研究趋势分析

    An Analysis of the Study Trends of Work Motivation Theory

  5. 影响知识分子工作动机和工作满意感的主要因素

    The Factors Affecting Intellectuals ' Work Motivation and Job Satisfaction

  6. 正因为帮助他们曲解工作动机所以穷人不应该被忽视。

    The poor should not be ignored just because helping them distorts work incentives .

  7. 从这个意义上说,教师工作动机可能存在着多维的结构。

    According to such comprehension , perhaps teachers ' work motivation includes multidimensional structure .

  8. 教师工作动机的强弱直接影响教师的工作积极性,进而影响教师的工作行为。

    Teachers ' work motivation affects their work enthusiasm directly and then affects their work deeds .

  9. 创造性教学效能感在工作动机与创造性教学行为之间有完全的中介作用。

    Teachers ' creativity teaching efficacy has total mediator effect between working motivation and creative teaching behaviors .

  10. 同时,英语教师的工作动机与其学科教学知识和专业发展水平呈正相关关系。

    Meanwhile , EFL teachers ' work motivation is positively correlated with their pedagogical content knowledge and professional development .

  11. 服务企业员工个人创新行为与工作动机、自我效能感关系研究

    Research on the Relationships Between Work Motivation , Perceived Self-efficacy and Employees ' Individual Innovation Behavior in Chinese Service Industry

  12. 而高校教师作为典型的知识型员工,其心理诉求和工作动机有较大的特殊性。

    However , as typical intellectual staff , the psychological requirements and work motivation of university teachers have their particularity .

  13. 第二章是相关文献对于知识型员工、工作动机以及员工满意度的研究和成果。

    The second chapter is research and achievements of the relevant literature about knowledge workers , work motivation and employee satisfaction .

  14. 成就动机是较强工作动机的表现形式之一,企业档案人员应该意识到自身的职业责任和价值。

    Achievement motivation is one of the pattern of manifestations , enterprise archives workers must realize their professional duty and value .

  15. 工作动机在组织创新氛围影响个人创新行为中的作用:一个理论框架

    A Function of Work Motivation while Organizational Innovation Climate Impacts on Individual Innovation Behavior : A Study on the Theoretical Framework

  16. 重视课前准备,成绩目标是其重要的工作动机是新手型教师的主要特征;

    The main features of novice teachers are attaching importance on pre-class preparation and performance goal are their important working motivation ;

  17. 信上要说明你的工作动机,积极性,热情以及如何给公司创造良好效益。

    Keep your letter focused on how your motivation , enthusiasm and passion for your new career would benefit the employerhjteshufuhaos operation .

  18. 要对企业员工进行激励就要了解员工的需要,引发其工作动机,产生努力工作的行为。

    Moreover , it is needed to know demands of personnel and initiate their work motivation , which could make them work hard .

  19. 工作动机与职务行为呈现正向相关,而人力资本则出现相反情况。

    The work motivation has a positive correlation with job behaviors , while the human capital has a negative correlation with the post behaviors .

  20. 访谈内容主要包括:工作动机、压力感、主观幸福感、人际关系情绪调节、工作描述等几方面内容。

    The interviews include : work motivation , stress , subjective well-being , interpersonal emotion regulation , job description and a few other aspects .

  21. 而薪酬是企业为激发员工的工作动机,满足员工需求而支付给员工的各种形式的报酬。

    Salary is one of various kinds of rewards that the company gives the staff to inspire their intention of work and meet their demands .

  22. 在一个案例中效率指数很低,审查员表现出极少的工作动机并且对技术的忠诚程度也很低。

    In one case where the productivity index was low , the inspector showed little motivation for the inspection and low adherence to the technique .

  23. 企业实行激励机制可以正确地诱导员工的工作动机,使他们在实现组织目标的同时实现自身的需要。

    Implementation of talent 's incentive mechanism can guide staff 's motivation accurately , and make them achive their demand when they realize the target of organization .

  24. 高职教师激励的措施和途径只有与其需要相一致,才能真正为高职教师提供最佳的激励途径,激发高职教师的工作动机和工作积极性。

    The methods of motivating the higher vocational college teachers should be in line with their needs , only this can these methods motivate teachers work enthusiam .

  25. 组织气氛就是一个组织特有的整体气候,具有一定的稳定性,是经过组织成员交互作用形成的一种主观知觉,影响组织成员的工作动机以至工作绩效的水平。

    Organizational climate indicates holistic atmosphere that an organization owns , it is comparative steady , and it is an subjective perception from organizational members ' interaction .

  26. 从自我形象、专业准备、工作动机、教学实践、未来展望等方面分析了幼儿教师专业发展影响因素。

    And at the same time , the influential factors of kindergarten teacher professional development is also investigated from the aspects of self-image , professional preparation , vocational motives , teaching practice and prospects .

  27. 教师工作动机是指为了满足教师需要,推动教师去完成教书育人这一特定目标的稳定的心理倾向性。

    Teachers ' work motivation is a kind of the steady orientation of mind to meet teachers ' needs and to promote them to fulfill the special cause of teaching school and educating people .

  28. 从而进一步调动广大教师的工作动机和热情,改善领导、教师、学生等各方面的关系,提高教学的质量和教育管理水平。

    Thus further arouse teachers ' working motive and enthusiasm , improve relations of various fields such as the leaders , teachers , and students , and improve the teaching quality and educational management level .

  29. 本论文的定量研究部分采用三个五点林克特式量表,分别调查高中英语教师教学焦虑,工作动机以及专业发展的总体情况。

    Three five-point Likert scales are employed in the quantitative study of the thesis to investigate the general level of anxiety , motivation , and professional development of EFL teachers in senior middle schools respectively .

  30. 兴趣工作动机学生使用学习策略最为频繁,在除补偿策略以外的其他五项学习策略上均高于兴趣和工作动机学生,各学习策略使用情况不同。

    Except compensation strategy , students with interest and work motivation most frequently use other learning strategies , and have differences of using learning strategies from students who are only with interest or work motivation .