- 网络Autonomy;work autonomy;job autonomy;Task Autonomy

On the Characteristics of the Teaching Job Education , Job Autonomy and Job Satisfaction
Research on Middle-level Business Managers ' Job Autonomy and It 's Relationship with Job Performance
And participation OCBs is best predicted by internalization , job competence and job autonomy .
Results show that work autonomy moderates the relationships between organizational commitment and turnover intention .
An Empirical Study of the Work Autonomy of the Knowledge Worker Team and Team Effectiveness
Overcontrol is the limiting of individual job autonomy to such a point that it seriously inhibits effective job performance .
Interaction terms between career satisfaction and autonomy , career satisfaction and supervisor support exhibited significant effects in the regression .
Knowledge-based talents , the owner of the specific knowledge and skills , have high task autonomy and no longer beholden to enterprises .
The promotion chances showed their significant effects through autonomy , distributive justice , and supervisor support respectively on the employee turnover intention in the regression .
It also helps to eliminate known predictors of harmful strain , such as a lack of autonomy on the job , an unsupportive boss or co-workers , Dr. Nelson says .
It was concluded that : ① the structural variables , including alternative employment opportunities , autonomy , procedural justice , role conflict , pay satisfaction and supervisor support , showed their more powerful explainable ability for turnover intention ;
The main results were showed as following : ( 1 ) P-j fit on job autonomy and task goal 、 role ambiguity 、 role conflict 、 rewards 、 social support 、 work overload had different effects on the dimensions of burnout .
The meaning of work , autonomy , self-efficacy is not only by the transformational leadership of the impact of various dimensions , but also affected by other variables .
Enterprise encouragement , information resources and technology and enterprise supervisory were the three most important factors in model , followed by trust and cooperation , organizational learning , autonomy .
Specifically , affective commitment negatively correlates to turnover intention , especially for whose with a high level of work autonomy .
Comparing with the capsule , this kind of frame based on active networks has more customizability , and reacts to the impulse of environment changes immediately .
As a vehicle which works in complicated oceanic environments , automation and safety are its main character . And intelligent control is the key technology to keep AUV autonomous and safe .
Higher educated person will be more likely to get job autonomy and also will more value job atmosphere and job itself . More job autonomy bring higher utility of jobs to them and therefore raise their job satisfaction .
The big five also have indirect effects on voice behavior through job satisfaction , organizational commitment , job autonomy , and leadership justice .
Results The items that the workers were less satisfied with were the responsibility and risk , salary and welfare , burden of work , social status , freedom of work , and working condition .
Based on a survey of 35 knowledge worker teams in 13 enterprises located in Hangzhou , the present study showed that work autonomy included method , scheduling , and criteria autonomy as suggested by Breaugh ( 1985 ) .
The flow of knowledge-based staff is influenced by many factors , including age , sex , amount of knowledge , job satisfaction , pay , organizational commitment , job independence and career orientation .
Stepwise regression analysis indicated that job control , job responsibility , job risk , job self determination , job role , chance of promotion and participation , the work locus of control , coping tactics and social support were main factors affecting hepatic function of policemen .
This paper used the data of Urban Residents Education and Employment Survey of China-2004 by IEE at Peking Univ.