
  1. 发展中国家聘用工业顾问问题技术会议

    Technical Meeting on the use of Industrial Consultants in Developing Countries

  2. 标准化生产是罐头食品的唯一出路&访中国罐头工业协会顾问杨邦英试论中药饮片规范化生产

    Standardized Production Is the Only Outlet On the Standardized production in the preparation of herbal Pieces for decoction

  3. 东-西能源贸易和工业合作高级顾问

    Senior Adviser on East-West energy trade and industrial cooperation

  4. 印度工业联盟的顾问刚古利说,印度需要加快工程进展速度。

    Ganguly says India needs to speed up the pace at which projects are implemented .

  5. 比迪沙.刚古利是印度工业联盟的顾问。他说,印度经济的高速发展使基础设施落后的问题暴露无遗。

    Bidisha Ganguly , a consultant at the Confederation of Indian Industry , says these shortages have intensified amid the recent economic boom .

  6. 工业发展高级外地顾问;

    Industrial Development Senior Field adviser ;

  7. 印度工业联盟的能源顾问拉格拉曼说,目前印度的发电量短缺程度高达14%。

    An energy advisor to the Confederation of Indian Industry , V. Raghuraman , says the current power capacity generation is about 14 percent short of demand .

  8. 该项目由东京工业研究所担任顾问,旨在开发智能电网系统,使其成为电动车和锂离子的能量来源。

    The Tokyo Institute of Technology is acting as advisor to this project which is aiming to develop Smart Grid systems that employ electric vehicles and the lithium-ion batteries used to power them .