
  • 网络engineering geological survey;engineering geological investigation
  1. 垂直地震剖面(VSP)是一种有效地进行工程地质调查的方法技术。

    Vertical seismic profile ( VSP ) is an effective method for engineering geological investigation .

  2. 区域性海洋工程地质调查和评价

    Regional marine engineering geological investigation and assessment

  3. 深埋长隧洞前期勘查中工程地质调查与CSAMT异常分析

    Application of CSAMT on the Preliminary Exploration of Deeply-lying Tunnel

  4. 磁力测量在海洋井场、管线工程地质调查中的应用

    Magnetic application in site and pipeline engineering geological survey

  5. 水平构造应力对矿井巷道和采场布置产生较大影响,与工程地质调查和变形调查结果相吻合。

    The horizontal tectonic stress has quite strong influence on the layout of entries and mining faces .

  6. 泉州沿海全新世钙质碎屑岩特征及其成因的初步认识钙质土层的工程地质调查

    Preliminary Study on the Characteristics and Genesis of Holocene Calcareous Clastic Rocks in the Coastal Area of Quanzhou City

  7. 核地球物理和化探综合测量在上海市区工程地质调查中的应用

    The application of radiometric and soil mercury vapor survey to the engineering geologic investigation in the urban district of Shanghai

  8. 本文根据工程地质调查对矿山边坡破坏模式作了初步探讨。

    This paper gives a primary discussion on the failure mode of mine slope based on the engineering geological investigations .

  9. 为了更进一步保护这一人类文化瑰宝,作者从工程地质调查入手,对龙游石窟区的工程地质条件、水文地质条件以及洞室群的病害类型等进行了分析。

    In order to protect it , the engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions and the kinds of diseases are analyzed .

  10. 结果表明这种综合研究方法在较大区域的工程地质调查中比传统方法更加优越。

    The result shows that the intergrated method has more advantage over the traditional method in engineering-geological survey in larger area .

  11. 运用金川比较成熟的围岩稳定性分析法,结合巷道围岩现场工程地质调查,对1098m分段围岩进行了分类。

    Based on stability analysis methods and site survey in Jinchuan , the surrounding rocks on 1 098 m level are classified .

  12. 本文对一个岩土高陡边坡进行了工程地质调查、现场岩体物理力学参数试验和稳定性计算分析。

    Engineering geological survey , field testing of physico-mechanical parameters , and numerical analysis of stability are made for a high steep rock-soil slope .

  13. 明确了进行不同类型滑坡工程地质调查时不同电测装置的探测能力和视电阻率异常模式;

    The capacities of different arrays and the resistivity responses of different types of sliding faces were determined based on the resultant standard electric profiles .

  14. 通过对仓上矿坑边坡的工程地质调查与分析,总结了灰场边坡的地质条件和构造情况。

    Through the geological investigation and analysis of open-pit mine slope of Cangshang Mine , the geological and tectonic conditions of ash slopes are summarized .

  15. 矿区深部工程地质调查与评价是“九五”国家重点科技攻关项目“新城金矿复杂条件矿床采矿方法研究”的一项重要内容。

    Investigation and analysis of engineering geological conditions in Xincheng gold mine is a important work for mining design in deep position of Xincheng gold mine .

  16. 作者从现场工程地质调查和三维数值计算入手,对龙游石窟的斜顶设计所蕴含的工程科学问题进行了分析。

    In this paper , the detailed field investigation and 3D numerical analysis are carried out to show the engineering scientific problems contained in the inclined roof .

  17. 本文从工程地质调查入手,对龙游古地下洞室群的工程地质条件、水文地质条件等进行了分析,为下一步的保护工作提供地质基础。

    In order to protect such historic marvel , the authors evaluate engineering geological and hydrogeological conditions of5 caverns to develop guidelines for design of protective measures .

  18. 介绍阵列微动勘探这一新的勘探方法,并结合现场试验数据探讨该方法在土木工程地质调查领域中的应用。

    The Array Microtremor Survey ( AMS ) is briefly presented and its application is discussed to geotechnical investigation for civil engineering based on field experiment data .

  19. 经过详细的工程地质调查与研究,揭示其形成机理,进行边坡稳定性分析,提出了整治措施,保障了该线路的安全运营。

    This paper reveals its forming mechanism , analyzes slope stability , puts forward Renovating Measures through engineering ecological survey and studies to assure the safety transport operation .

  20. 介绍了海洋工程地质调查的主要项目,并对其方法、取样要求和使用仪器进行初步评述。

    The main subjects of marine engineering geology investigation and simple comment on the investigating methods , sampling requirements and instruments used are also presented in this paper .

  21. 通过工程地质调查、室内围岩物化分析和力学试验,深入研究了围岩变形力学机制和破坏机理。

    Based on the engineering geologic investigation , the laboratory physic . chemical analysis and the mechanics test , its deformation mechanism and failure mechanism have been studied .

  22. 对西部石嘴山一矿38区深部+600m轨道巷开采扰动区进行了全面的工程地质调查。

    This paper investigated the comprehensive in-situ engineering and environmental characteristics of No. 38 excavation disturbed zone ( EDZ ) at the depth of 600 m in Shizuishan Mine in western China .

  23. 在工程地质调查中,根据不同的场地地质条件和勘察目的,合理地正确应用浅层折射波法可以取得较明显的岩土工程勘察效果。

    According to the different geological conditions and investigation purposes in engineering geological investigation , with right application of the reasonable seismic refraction method , more obvious result of geotechnical engineering survey can be gained .

  24. 通过工程地质调查及矿岩物理力学性质的分析研究,对西山矿段特大空区及17~矿柱的矿岩稳固性进行了定性评价。

    Through investigating the engineering geology and analyzing the rock 's physical mechanical property , the paper put up qualitative evaluation to the rock 's stability of the huge open chamber and No. 17 ore-pillar in Xishan mining area .

  25. 以现场岩体的工程地质调查资料为基础,论述了组成贫矿体地质模型的主要岩体介质及贫矿体基本地质特性,建立了贫矿体的地质模型。

    Basic geological characteristics and rock mass media consisting of geological model for lean ore bodies are discussed based on engineering geological investigation data from in situ rock mass . And geological models for lean ore bodies have been established successfully .

  26. 根据大量的地球物理和工程地质调查资料,分析了南海北部海底地质灾害的类型、成因及其分布特征。

    Based on the data of geophysical and engineering geological survey , the types , formation causes and distribution features of submarine geological hazards in the northern South China Sea are analysed and some preventive measures against the geologic hazards are proposed .

  27. 浅层地震折射波法自上世纪30年代提出以来,被广泛应用于工程地质调查中,无论在仪器野外采集、资料处理与解释还是在理论方法的基础研究方面都取得了巨大的进步。

    Shallow seismic refraction wave method is put forward from the 1930s , have been widely applied in engineering geology survey , whether in the field gathering , material handling equipment to explain or in theory of basic research method has a tremendous progress .

  28. 作者以丰山铜矿露天边坡的工程地质调查和岩石力学参数试验为基础,对滑坡原因作了调查分析,进行了边坡稳定性计算和评价,对滑坡区段提出了整治措施。

    On the basis of the engineering geologic survey and the rock mechanics parameter test of open pit slope in Fengshan Copper Mine , the author analyzed the causes of slope-sliding , calculated and evaluated the slope stability , and put forward measures for controlling the slope-sliding zone .

  29. 水电工程地质灾害调查中的遥感技术应用

    Application of Remote Sensing Technology in Geological Calamity Investigation of Hydropower Engineering

  30. 从枢纽区工程地质条件调查研究入手,开展一系列的软岩特性研究。

    Starting from the geological condition investigations , a series of the researches on soft rock characteristics were conducted .