
  • 网络industrial output;Industrial Production
  1. 工业产出的增长有助于驱除人们对于经济正再次陷入衰退的挥之不去的担忧。

    The rise in industrial production helped chase away lingering fears that the economy is slipping into a new recession .

  2. 工业产出不可能一直高速增长;即将公布的一系列采购经理人(PMI)指数,可能会暴露出增长势头出现某种动摇。

    Industrial production cannot keep galloping ahead ; the upcoming purchasing managers ' index series is likely to show some faltering in momentum .

  3. 从中国工业产出、利税增长、资本形成等方面对FDI的贡献进行了分析,认为FDI促进了中国工业的增长。

    It is believed that the FDI has promoted the growth of the Chinese industry .

  4. 研究公司凯投宏观(CapitalEconomics)整理的19个大型新兴经济体的数据显示,8月工业产出和第二季度消费者支出双双跌至2009年以来最低水平。

    Data from 19 large emerging economies collated by research firm Capital Economics show that industrial output in August and consumer spending in the second quarter fell to their lowest levels since 2009 .

  5. 这个PMI数据仍高于50,说明工业产出仍在扩张,有关下降的预测不准确。

    In remaining above 50 , the PMI pointed to an expansion in industrial output that confounded forecasts for a decline .

  6. 与GDP数据一同公布的其他数据让市场观察人士感到担忧,零售销售和工业产出增速双双低于预期,固定资产投资增速为自2001年初以来最慢。

    Other data released alongside GDP gave market watchers cause for concern , with retail sales and industrial output growing below forecast , and fixed asset investment growing at its slowest pace since early 2001 .

  7. 而中国工业产出相对依然坚挺,这是因为中国决策者想努力实现2014年国内生产总值(GDP)增长7.5%的目标,为此又拿出久经考验的老办法:刺激措施。

    Output has stayed resilient , however , as the Beijing government has reverted to tried-and-tested ways of juicing up growth as policy makers strive to meet a 7.5 per cent GDP growth target for 2014 .

  8. 尽管工业产出下滑,但印度今年第一季度国内生产总值(gdp)较去年同期增长5.8%,高于预期。

    India reported growth of 5.8 per cent in gross domestic product for the first quarter compared with a year ago a figure that was higher than expected in spite of a contraction in industrial output .

  9. 我们采用状态空间方程模型过滤出预期的工业产出增长率、预期的货币供给M1增长率和预期通货膨胀率,发现特有波动率与预期的工业产出增长率和通货膨胀率显著的正相关。

    Using the state-space model , we filter out the expected industry output growth , the expected monetary supply M1 growth , and the expected inflation rate .

  10. 日本央行对日本经济前景的谨慎看法并未得到普遍认同。有人表示,工业产出回升,出口企稳,政府巨额刺激计划日渐发挥效力,这些现象预示着,未来几个季度的GDP增长将较为强劲。

    The BoJ 's caution about Japan 's prospects is not shared by some who say that rebounding industrial output , stabilising exports and the growing impact of huge government stimulus packages spell relatively strong GDP expansion for the next few quarters .

  11. 鉴于6月份工业产出反弹,我们相信未来几个月PMI将开始上升,澳新银行(ANZ)经济学家在一份研究简报中表示。

    As industrial production rebounded in June , we believe the PMI will also start to climb in the coming months , ANZ economists said in a research note .

  12. 论文结论如下:(1)在5%的显著水平上,工业产出占GDP的比例构成了物流成本占GDP比例变化的原因,也就是产业结构会对物流发展产生影响。

    The conclusions of this study are as follows : ( 1 ) At 5 % significance level , the ratio of industry output to GDP is Granger Casuality of the ratio of logistics cost to GDP , it means that industry structure will influence logistics development .

  13. 卡尔多(Kaldor)增长定律之一表明,较高的工业产出增长,会带来非工业(包括服务业)生产率的较高增长。

    One of Kaldor 's growth laws suggests that relatively high growth of industrial output generates relatively high growth of non-industrial ( including service ) productivity .

  14. 6月份的工业产出和零售销售额也强劲得出人意料。

    Industrial production and retail sales were also surprisingly strong in June .

  15. 就业、工业产出和实际收入都在下降。

    Employment , industrial production and real incomes are declining .

  16. 工业产出等领域甚至出现了稳步上升。

    There are even steady rises in some segments such as output .

  17. 工业产出同比数据也未见改善。

    There is also no improvement in the year-on-year numbers for industrial production .

  18. 工业产出波动中需求和供给冲击的影响机制分析

    The Impact of Demand and Supply Shocks on the Fluctuation of Industrial Output

  19. 今年8月,中国工业产出增幅降至6年来最低水平。

    Industrial output growth for August rose at the slowest pace in six years .

  20. 工业产出跌至创纪录低位。

    Industrial production plunged to a record low .

  21. 因此我们相信,此次下降反映出工业产出的大幅下降。

    We therefore believe that this drop reflects a sharp slowdown in industrial production .

  22. 他说,在好几个经济体中,工业产出已经恢复到危机前的水平。

    He says industrial production has recovered to pre crisis levels in several economies .

  23. 然而工业产出似乎在强劲增长,1月和2月均增长大约五分之一。

    Yet industrial production looks robust up about a fifth in both January and February .

  24. 工业产出增长乏力。

    Industrial output growth was sluggish .

  25. 一批新数据显示,9月份投资、工业产出和零售销售均加快增长。

    A slew of new data showed accelerating investment , industrial production and retail sales in September .

  26. 该方法有两个显著特点:一是使用一种新方法计算工业产出;

    This method has two characteristics : ( 1 ) Estimating industrial output by using a new method ;

  27. 他们表示,9月工业产出数据反弹的部分原因是包括电子设备制造商在内的出口制造业产出增加。

    They said output in September recovered thanks in part to gains in export manufacturing including electronics makers .

  28. 中国将于周四晚些时候发布其他重要经济数据,包括投资规模与工业产出数据。

    China will release other important economic data , including investment and industrial output , later on Thursday .

  29. 12月,新德里:在经历了没有政府的两个月之后,印度的工业产出飙升至创纪录水平。

    New Delhi : after two months without a government , India 's industrial output soars to record levels .

  30. 工业产出下降了百分之7以上,这个标志着工厂生产活动的指标数据跌幅比预期要大。

    Industrial output , a measure of factory production , fell more than seven percent , a bigger-than-expected decline .