
  • 网络instrumental rationalism
  1. 工具理性主义无限制的蔓延扩张给教育带来明显的负面效应。

    The unlimited expansion of instrumental rationality has already brought conspicuous negative effects to education .

  2. 工具理性主义课程樊篱及其超越

    The New Curriculum : Surpass the Instrumentalism

  3. 从经济立场出发看待教育问题,致使现代教育知识属性具有经济理性主义的倾向:盲目崇拜科学,工具理性主义至上,人类生存危机。

    Examining educational questions from the economic stand , the attribute of educational knowledge has the tendency of economic rationalism in modern times .

  4. 20世纪西方文明经历了深刻的文化危机,工具理性主义逐渐暴露出与人本主义精神之间的张力和冲突。

    Since the 20th century , Western civilization has undergone a profound cultural crisis . Tools rationalism gradually exposed the tensions and conflicts with the humanism spirit .

  5. 随着科学技术的祛魅,价值中立、是与应当二分等观念占压倒性优势,科学技术演变为工具理性主义。

    With the remove of science charming and the neutrality of value , and the domination of the concepts " YES " and " SHOULD ", science and technology have become the tools of rationalism .

  6. 由于对人类理性这一问题所禀持的哲学观点不同,已有的制度变迁理论大致沿着两条思路展开,即以哈耶克为代表的演进理性主义和以诺斯为代表的工具理性主义。

    For the different philosophical opinion on the human rationality , there are two kinds of research paradigms about the theory of institutional evolution . One is tool rationalism represented by North , the other is evolutionary rationalism represented by Hayek .

  7. 科学主义追求工具理性;人文主义则更多的关心价值理性。

    Scientism pursues instrumental reason , while humanism concerns about value reason more .

  8. 科学的涵义存在着工具性价值和理性主义价值两个认知层面。

    The meaning of science contains two knowledgeable levels .