
chuān liàn zǐ
  • Sichuan chinaberry;toosendan fruit
  1. 川楝子炮制工艺及质量标准研究

    Study on the preparation Process and the Quality Standard of Fructus Toosendan

  2. 延胡索与川楝子配伍中总生物碱含量变化的研究

    Study on the total alkaloids in fumitory and melia toosendanin and their combinations

  3. 川楝子油对雄性大鼠的抗生育作用

    Antifertility Effects of Toosendan Oil on Male Rats

  4. 川楝子不同炮制品镇痛抗炎作用研究

    Study on Antalgic and Anti inflammatory Actions of Different Prepared Products of Fructus Meliae Toosendan

  5. 川楝子油体外杀精子研究

    Spermicidal activity of toosendan oil in vitro

  6. 结论:川楝子与延胡索配伍,对其生物碱的含量有显著的影响。

    Conclusion : Fumitory coupled with melia toosendanin has remarkable influence on the content of alkaloids in fumitory .

  7. 结论:附睾注射川楝子油可影响睾丸生精功能,激活睾丸间质细胞使其功能增强,产生局部免疫性不育,而不影响雄性大鼠的睾丸酮分泌及性功能。

    Conclusions : An intra cauda - of-epididymis administration of toosendan oil resulted in block of spermatogenesis without affecting testosterone production and sexual function .

  8. 目的:测定延胡索及其与川楝子配伍中总生物碱的含量熏研究中药配伍的合理性。

    Objective : To determine the total alkaloids in fumitory and its combination with the melia toosendanin and study on the rationality of their combinations .

  9. 根据中药制剂中各药的现代研究表明,本方中具有明显镇痛作用的中药有元胡、川楝子、甘草等,有研究证明元胡的镇痛作用与哌替啶无明显差别。

    According to modern principle study of each drug in the medicine , this medicine have gray starling , licorice root , which have been proved that have no difference with Meperidine .