
chuān niú xī
  • cyathula root
  1. 川牛膝HPLC指纹图谱构建与药材质量评价研究

    Study on HPLC Fingerprints Construction and Medicinal Materials Quality Evaluation of Cyathula Officinalis Kuan

  2. 对川牛膝及其伪品进行了IR光谱及UV导数光谱的测定。

    The author has made IR and UV spectroscopic assay of cyathula and its counterfeit .

  3. 应用RAPD标记分析了19个川牛膝种群的遗传多样性。

    Applied Mark RAPD analyzed 19 genetic diversity of Cyathula Officinalis .

  4. 方法采用MTT细胞增殖实验观察中药补骨脂、川牛膝的两种活性成分:异补骨脂素和蜕皮甾酮对ERα、ERβ阳性细胞T47D增殖的影响;

    Methods The influence of isopsoralen and ecdysterone ( the active principles of Fructus Psoraleae , Radix Cyathulae ) on the proliferation of ER α and ER β cells and on the expression levels of ER α and ER β mRNA by MTT assay and RT-PCR respectively .

  5. 川牛膝最佳采收期的实验研究

    The Study of the Best Harvest Time of Radix Cyathulae

  6. 川牛膝提取物抗生育作用的实验研究

    Experimental study on antifertility effect of Cyathula officinalis Kuan

  7. 川牛膝多糖硫酸酯的体外抗单纯疱疹病毒2型活性

    Antiviral activity against HSV-2 of sulfated polysaccharide from Cyathula officinalis Kuan in vitro

  8. 川牛膝的品质研究

    Studies on Quality Assessment of Cyathula officinalis Kuan

  9. 方法:参照《农作物种子检验规程》,筛选适合川牛膝种子质量检验的方法。

    Method : Referring to the Specifications for Agricultural Seed Testing , the optimal testing methods of seed quality of C.officinalis were screened .

  10. 方法:采用折干率实验及单株重测定,研究不同生长期川牛膝的产量;

    Methods : Research the yield of radix cyathulae in different vegetal time by using experiments of the drying rate and mensuration on weight of individual plant .

  11. 目的:调查川牛膝药材资源,了解川牛膝生产加工现状,探索川牛膝开发利用前景。

    OBJECTIVE : To investigate resources of medicinal material Cyathula officinalis and learn a present of how making produced processed and put forward developed utilized still further .

  12. 药用植物川牛膝根中异常次生结构的发育解剖学研究本文报道了药用植物牛滕根的异常次生生长。其初生结构和早期的次生结构类似于一般的草本双子叶植物根。

    The anomalous secondary thickening was studied in the root of medicinal species of Achyranthes bidentata B1 . The primary and early secondary structures are similar to those of most herbs of the dicotyledons .

  13. 肾虚水停之水肿用药主要有:川牛膝、车前子、茯苓、怀牛膝(75%)、山药、山萸肉、丹皮、冬瓜皮、泽泻等。

    Drugs commonly used in edema due to kidney-deficiency were radix cyathulae , Asiatic plantain seed , radix achyranthis bidentatae , yam , dogwood fruit , root bark of the peony tree and so on .

  14. 排卵障碍性不孕症按月经分期聚类,提示月经期常用药物组合包括当归、川芎、赤芍、益母草以及茯苓、制香附、泽兰、川牛膝等五类。

    The ovulatory dysfunction infertility , according to the menstrual cycle were clustering , suggesting that the menstrual period commonly used drug combinations , including " angelica , chuanxiong , red peony root , motherwort " and " poria system cyperus rotundus , zeeland , cyathula " five .