
  • 网络Sichuan
  1. 川中丘陵区部分土种的土壤养分的Fuzzy评判探讨Fuzzy综合评判及其应用

    Using fuzzy synthetic judgment method to evaluate soil nutrient of main soil species in the central Sichuan basin

  2. 川中丘陵农田生态系统的CO2排放通量研究

    Studies on Emission Fluxes of CO_2 from Soil-Crop Ecosystem in the Hilly Area of the Central Sichuan Basin

  3. 川中丘陵水旱轮作土壤&小麦系统CO2排放及其影响因素

    Co_2 emission from soil-wheat system in a paddy-dryland rotation area in the central Sichuan Basin and its influence factors

  4. 川中丘陵区和黄土丘陵区小流域坝库沉积泥沙~(137)Cs含量变化的侵蚀信息解译

    The Erosion Information Explanation of Reservoir Sediments of Hills in Middle Sichuan and Hills in Loess Plateau

  5. 基于RS和GIS的川中丘陵区景观格局研究&以云合镇为例

    Landscape Pattern in the Hilly Region of the Central Sichuan Basin Based on RS and GIS methods & A Case Study in Yunhe

  6. 利用静态箱/气相色谱法对川中丘陵区水旱轮作区的小麦进行全生长季CO2排放观测。

    CO_2emission from soil-wheat system in a paddy field-dryland rotation area in purple soil were measured by static chamber-gas chromatographic techniques in the central Sichuan Basin .

  7. 川中凝析油的声速及弹模的SBS测定

    Measurement of the sound velocity and elastic module of the Middle Sichuan condensate oil sample by " sbs "

  8. 耕作制度对川中丘陵区冬灌田CH4和N2O排放的影响

    Effects of Tillage-Cropping Systems on Methane and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from Permanently Flooded Rice Fields in a Central Sichuan Hilly Area of Southwest China

  9. 川中JP地区地震资料处理中的振幅处理

    Seismic amplitude processing of JP region in Middle Sichuan

  10. 第四,根据田间试验数据建立了川中丘陵区的水稻水分生产函数(Stewart模型),并讨论了敏感系数的变化规律;

    Fourthly , the paddy water production function ( Stewart model ) has been built up by field examination data ;

  11. 本文利用取心井的储层孔隙度与测并数据,应用改进的BP神经网络模型建立了川中磨溪气田香四储层物性参数孔隙度的预测模型。

    Using the formation porosity and logging data of cored well of Moxi gas field , we have successfully applied Back Propagation Network to the establishment of a prediction model of calculating formation parameters-porosity .

  12. 基于3S技术的川中丘区乡村景观的养分区域优化管理研究

    Research of Regionalized Nutrient Management on Village Landscape Structure in the Hilly Area of the Middle Sichuan Basin Based on " 3S " Technique

  13. 利用静态箱/气相色谱法观测川中丘陵旱地小麦生态系统CO2、N2O和CH4的排放通量。

    CO_2 , N_2O and CH_4 emission from dry-land wheat ecosystem were measured by static chamber-gas chromatographic techniques in hilly area of central Sichuan Basin .

  14. 建立川中丘陵SOTER数据库的实践与问题讨论

    Practice and Discussion on SOTER Database Construction in Hilly Area of Sichuan Basin

  15. USLE模型在川中紫色土区应用研究

    Study on the Application of USLE Model to Purple Soil Area in Central Sichuan

  16. 川中X1井高产水层储集特征及天然气储量评估

    Reservoir characteristics and gas reserve assessment of high Production-Water layers at x 1 well in Central Sichuan

  17. 川中丘陵区坡耕地侵蚀空间分布的WEPP模型和~(137)Cs法研究

    Combing Wepp Model with ~ ( 137 ) Cs to Study Spatial Pattern of Soil Redistribution on Purple Slope-Land in Sichuan Hilly Basin

  18. 通过1996~1998年的试验观测得出,在川中紫色丘陵区,最主要的肥料限制因子是N,其次是P,而钾在此地区也有一定的增产效果。

    The result of trial of 1996 1998 indicated that the key factor controlling crop yield was N , followed by P in the purple hill area in Sichuan , while crop yield can also be increased by applying K in this area .

  19. 川中丘陵区和三峡地区小流域侵蚀产沙的塘库沉积~(137)Cs断代

    A study on soil erosion induced sediment yield by reservoir and pond deposits dating with ~ ( 137 ) Cs in small catchments of the hilly Sichuan Basin and the Three Gorges Region

  20. 川中南星(ArisaemawilsoniiEngl)凝集素的纯化及其部份性质的研究

    On the purification and certain properties of the lectin from Arisaema wilsonii Engl

  21. 介绍了川中M38井的基本地质背景和水平层段储层特点。

    Introduced are basic geologic background and reservoir characteristics in horizontal beds in Well M38 .

  22. 第二,关于植物方面,利用考虑气压修正的彭曼(Penman)公式计算了川中丘陵区1999~2003年的逐日蒸散量并分析了它的变化规律;

    Secondly , plant aspect , the day-to-day reference evapotranspiration ( 1999-2003 ) of hill region in Si Chuan middle part has been calculated by Penman formula and its changed law has been analyzed .

  23. 川中丘陵区紫色土坡耕地产流特征试验研究

    Experimental Study on Runoff Characteristics of Slope Land in Sichuan Basin

  24. 将这项技术应用于川中天然气勘探,取得了较好的应用效果。

    The technology was successfully applied in the middle Sichuan Province .

  25. 川中丘陵区坡坎的利用

    Side slope Utilization in the Hill Region of the Middle Sichuan

  26. 川中地区香溪群中的产层主要与裂缝有关。

    The reservoirs in Xiangxi Group are mainly related to fractures .

  27. 川中丘陵区小麦品种绵阳26号的产量构成因素分析

    Yield Component Analyses of Mianyang 26 in Hill Area of Sichuan

  28. 川中地区土地适度规模经营的探讨

    Research on the land scale management in the middle of Sichuan

  29. 川中丘陵区农业生态系统的演替

    Evolvement of Agro-ecosystem in the Hilly Area of the Central Sichuan Basin

  30. 人工措施对川中丘陵区防护林建设的影响

    Effects of artificial measures on the reconstruction of protection forest