
  • 网络responsibility;job responsibilities;Job Description;Position Description
  1. 第二节涉及了DSZRF的工作设计和岗位职责;

    Section two emphasizes the work designing and the job responsibility .

  2. 摘要文章就学科馆员设置的必要性、任职资格条件和岗位职责进行了论述。

    The paper discusses the necessity of establishing subject librarian , qualification and responsibility of subject librarian .

  3. 主要分为:核心专业人才职业生涯方案设计;农行XX分行企业文化重塑方案设计;绩效管理和薪酬激励方案设计;部门设置、岗位职责方案设计。

    Divided into : core design career professionals ; Agricultural Bank of China branch XX reshaping corporate culture design ; performance management and incentive pay program design ; department set design job responsibilities .

  4. 浅谈高校机房管理员的工作素质和岗位职责

    Discussion on Diathesis and Duty of Managers in College Computer Lab

  5. 明确岗位职责,建立岗位责任制。

    Clear job responsibilities , the establishment of system of personal responsibility .

  6. 高职院校辅导员岗位职责的确定和管理考核研究

    Vocational College Counselor Job Responsibilities of the Establishment and Management of Evaluation Studies

  7. 雷蒙德:您能谈谈我的工作岗位职责吗?

    Raymond : Could you please tell me something about the job responsibilities ?

  8. 能及时参加工作岗位职责。

    Can start work immediately or with short notice .

  9. 岗位职责:1。协助供应商发展经理制定公司供应商稽核计划;

    Responsibilities : 1.Supplier Development Manager to help develop the company supplier audit plan ;

  10. 岗位职责:协助首席营运官管理全国门店的日常营运工作;

    Main Responsiblities : Assist COO to manage the nationwide stores daily operation work ;

  11. 我的岗位职责是记账、凭证编制以及归档。

    In this position , I was responsible for bookkeeping , vouchers preparation and filings .

  12. 然后从结合工作目标/岗位职责来进行绩效考核这个角度出发,介绍了非量化考评标准;

    Then it mainly introduces the un-quantization standards through combining work goals or post duty .

  13. 工作任务、岗位职责与护理质量关联、护士道德则和患者挂钩。

    Task , responsibilities and nursing quality association , with patients and patient relationship is received .

  14. 制造业物流岗位职责与高职物流人才培养

    A Discussion of Fostering Higher Vocational Students in Accordance with the Manufacturing Logistics Responsibilities and Demands

  15. 从职业道德修养、爱岗敬业精神、履行岗位职责的能力、开拓与创新意识等四个方面探讨了实验队伍所应具备的素质及如何进行这些方面的素质建设。

    This paper discussed the qualities of experiment staff and how to develop them from four aspects .

  16. 方法:制定总药师岗位职责、管理制度并监督执行。

    METHODS : General pharmacists ' post responsibilities and management regulations were set up and implemented under supervision .

  17. 社区高血压规范化管理的内容:①制定社区高血压管理工作制度及岗位职责。

    The content of hypertension community-based standardization manament ① develop the rules and job responsibilities of hypertension management .

  18. 岗位职责:?管理监督本部门员工,按规定做好仓库物资的出入库管理,做到帐卡物相符。

    Be responsible for lead the members to manage the materials as required , achieving account card match case .

  19. 能够解释关键知识领域在执行岗位职责中的必要性。

    Be able to explain how key knowledge areas are necessary to live up to your roles and responsibilities .

  20. 严格遵守现金管理服务内控制度和岗位职责,确保国家法律规定和内部规章制度的贯彻执行。

    Strictly follow CMS DOI and JD , ensure the implementation of internal policy and compliance of regulatory requirements .

  21. 岗位职责:1、分析客户需求,并进行网站的整体风格策划与栏目规划工作;

    Responsibilities : 1.analysis of customer needs , and make the overall style of the site plan and part planning ;

  22. 薪水和福利合起来具有竞争性,和自己拥有的经验水平、岗位职责相符。

    The salary and benefits package is competitive and commensurate with my experience level and the responsibilities of the position .

  23. 你希望收到的岗位职责说明会告知你,雇主所要求的技能和经验。

    The job description , which hopefully you received , tells you what skills and experience the employer is requiring .

  24. 台帐式管理是以岗位职责为导向的绩效考核工具,值得施工企业项目管理推广。

    Accounting-type management-oriented job responsibilities based on performance appraisal tool , it is worth to promote the construction enterprise project management .

  25. 岗位职责:专业从事利率、汇率等各类金融衍生产品的设计和测算;

    Description : Dealing with the designation and calculation of financial derivative products such as interest rate , exchange rate , etc.

  26. 我们的首要任务之一是确定执行每个岗位职责所需的关键行为。

    One of our first tasks was to identify the key behaviours needed to carry out the responsibilities of every post .

  27. 岗位职责:开发各类风险组合模型及风险度量分析方法和工具,维护、更新全行各类风险组合模型工具;

    Description : Developing different kinds of risk combination models and risk measuring tools , maintain , update risk combination models ;

  28. 思维通达并能承受压力岗位职责协助生产经理对车间工作进行合理安排;

    Open-minded and be able to work under pressure Job Description : Assists the production manager with arrangements for working plan ;

  29. 该改进包括项目集管理办公室、组织结构、岗位职责、项目集管理的关键流程等。

    The program management office , organizational structure , responsibilities , the key processes of program management was included in the improvement .

  30. 物化劳动的技术标准、岗位职责的工作标准、条框制度的管理标准等是管理基础工作的重要内容。

    Technical standards of physical labor , work standards of post responsibility and etc. are the important contents of basic management work .