
Fears of protectionism in the US have increased recently due to strong public opposition to foreign takeovers of US companies and rising hostility towards the outsourcing of US jobs to developing countries .
American consumers have a curious , and uneasy , relationship with China : US jobs get outsourced to Chinese factories but , then again , the latter do churn out decent gizmos at low prices .
The low level of take-up from the fund , created at the end of last year , has prompted claims from liberals within the European Commission that the threat of offshoring of jobs to Asia and elsewhere has been exaggerated .
A plumber or lorry-driver 's job cannot be outsourced to India . A computer programmer 's can .
At the same time , Massachusetts Institute of Technology economist David Autor notes an increase in personal-service jobs - the ones that can 't be done remotely from overseas and can 't easily be done by machines .
In the era of knowledge economy , outsourcing becomes a trend of human resources management with the global wave of BPO .
Chinese investments now support about 80000 full-time jobs in the US , a fivefold increase in the past five years and an apparent reversal following decades of American complaints over manufacturing jobs being outsourced to China .