
  • 网络THE FAMILY MAN;family guy
  1. 他的公众人设和电影里描写的居家男人相去甚远。

    His public persona is quite different from the family man described in the movie .

  2. 巨蟹座女性的男性意向是个有着一颗金子般心灵的居家男人,他永远不会忘记她的生日,并乐意为她做饭。

    This is the family man with a heart of gold who will never forget your birthday or refuse to cook you a meal .

  3. 居家男人伟中(任贤齐(RichieJen)饰)在台北与妻子和他们六岁的儿子一起过着看似幸福平静的生活。

    ( Taiwan ) Family man Wei-chung ( Richie Jen ) is leading a seemingly happy and quiet life in Taipei with his wife and their 6-year-old son .

  4. 本•阿弗莱克在给母亲珍妮弗过母亲节时,这位英俊的居家男人抱着最小的3岁女儿Seraphina,当他们前往大姐Violet在加州雷东多海滩5月13日的芭蕾舞团独奏会。

    BEN AFFLECK While honoring mom Jennifer on Mother 's Day , the handsome family man clutches onto youngest daughter Seraphina , 3 , as they head out for big sister Violet 's May 13 ballet recital in Redondo Beach , Calif.

  5. 是的,是的,我知道,我是个居家男人。

    Sure , sure , I know , I 'm the family kook .

  6. 他是个居家男人。

    He 's a man of family .

  7. 再来看看今年31岁的“雷神”(因主演电影《雷神》而得名):居家男人似乎才是他身上最大的标签。

    As for the 31-year-old Thor star , family man might be his most significant tag .

  8. 我知道有居家男人

    I know men that stay home

  9. 凯夫在布莱顿过着传统居家男人的生活,当然也有值得一提的例外。

    Cave 's life in Brighton is that of a conventional family man , with certain noteworthy exceptions .

  10. 我知道让居家男人呆在家里做内务支持职场妻子很难。

    I know men that stay home and work in the home to support wives with careers , and it 's hard .

  11. 另一位潇洒英俊的“居家男人”强尼·戴普位居第六,他以9200万美元的收入成为本年度片酬最高的男演员。

    Another handsome family man , Johnny Depp , placed sixth and was the year 's highest-paid actor with his take of $ 92 million .

  12. 作为一个居家男人和管理专家,我努力在自己、家庭和工作中花同样的时间和精力。

    As a family man and a professional manager , I try to spend equal amount of time and energy for myself , my family and my work .

  13. 在达马西奥的杰作,笛卡尔的错误:,他曾是负责任的家伙,一个居家男人,非?煽?值得信赖。

    And this is from Damasio 's excellent book Descartes'Error : He used to be a really responsible guy , a family man , very reliable , very trustworthy .

  14. 我是个居家男人,喜欢用积极的观点看待生活中的事情。我希望能抓住上帝给我的机会。

    I 'm a family man , I approach everything in my life in a positive way , and I want to take full advantage of the opportunity that God has given me .

  15. 而蜥蜴教授则是居家男人科特·康纳斯博士实验中的“惨痛后果”——他试图再生残肢,却意外将自己转化成了一头邪恶的爬行怪兽。

    The Lizard is the painful result of experiments performed by family man Dr. Curt Connors , who while attempting to re-grow his lost limb accidentally transforms himself into a vicious reptilian beast .

  16. 居家男人巨蟹座是个出色的厨师,喜欢动用罗勒、大蒜、薄荷、肉豆蔻、香草等调味品做出一桌丰盛的美味食品。

    Cancer is the homebody that , as a Water Sign , is looking for comfort food . The Crab is an excellent cook , though , so making delicious meals with their favorite flavors like basil , garlic , mint , nutmeg and vanilla is no problem .

  17. 伊曼曾经把鲍伊描述为“居家好男人”。

    Iman once described Mr. Bowie as a " homebody " ;

  18. 这位准首相宣称他将把国家放到第一位&但同时也保证在妻子萨拉及儿子们面前继续作个居家好男人。

    The PM-in-waiting vowed to put the nation first & but ensure he remained a family man with wife Sarah and their sons .

  19. 平时我是一个居家好男人,但当我无法阻止体内的肾上腺素升高的时候,我需要极限垂钓来释放自己。

    I may be a responsible family man , but give me the opportunity to ramp up the adrenalin levels and I cannot resist . I need the release that extreme fishing gives me .