
jū wú dìnɡ suǒ
  • 熟语no fixed abode;migrancy
  1. 她小时候居无定所,在各地流浪。

    She had had a rootless childhood moving from town to town .

  2. 居住权得不到保证是许多家庭居无定所的一个原因。

    Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless .

  3. 他居无定所,我们发现他流落街头。

    He 's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets .

  4. 因为居无定所,他们无法得到工作面试的机会。

    They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address

  5. 与亨特相反,在《钢琴课》中与亨特联合主演的安娜·帕奎因(AnnaPaquin),她的小金人似乎居无定所,游荡在她装袜子的抽屉和放靴子的地板之间。

    In contrast to Hunter 's , her Piano co-star Anna Paquin 's Oscar seems to have no fixed abode , flitting between her sock drawer and on the floor next to her boots .

  6. 我是说,我居无定所。

    I mean , I don 't live anywhere in particular .

  7. 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀。

    Lovejoy , of no fixed abode , was charged with murder .

  8. 像这样居无定所的日子我已过了三年了。

    I 've been insecurely housed for three years now .

  9. 嫌疑犯是个居无定所的人。

    The suspect is a person of no fixed abode .

  10. 游牧的北美平原上的印地安人大多居无定所。

    Most of the Indians of the North American plains are nomadic .

  11. 游牧部落的大多人都生活在草原上并且居无定所。

    Most of the nomads live in grassland and have no fixed home .

  12. 孙薇没有稳定收入,居无定所。

    Kenjiansun does not enjoy either a stable income or a fixed residence .

  13. 居无定所的杂物,该何去何从?

    Without definite residence incidental , it 's time for what course should follow ?

  14. 19年间,他们居无定所,漂泊四方。

    They were homeless for 19 years .

  15. 你出身于一个居无定所的家庭。

    You come from an itinerant family .

  16. 游牧民是一个到处流浪、居无定所的部落的成员。

    A nomad is the member of a trible that wanders from place to place .

  17. 他们身无分文,居无定所,饥肠辘辘,而且语言不通。

    They have no money , no home , no food , and no language skills .

  18. 我对她说,对于她们这个居无定所的家庭,这样的计划再理想不过了,随后我俩站起身道别。

    I tell her it sounds ideal for their nomadic family and we stand to say goodbye .

  19. “将食物给两百万失去家园居无定所的村民送去确实不容易,虽然我知道他们确实处境艰难”。

    It is not easy to distribute food to over two million displaced villagers , I know their condition .

  20. 报道还列出迈克尔生前住过的不同地方,子女也跟着到处走,居无定所。

    Reports also lists the different lived before Michael , where children also follow everywhere , of no fixed abode .

  21. 当地政府裁定他是有意居无定所,因此没有资格再获得提供住房。

    The local authority ruled that he had made himself intentionally homeless and was therefore not entitled to be rehoused .

  22. 如果没有基本的法律赋权,贫困人群的生存就充满不确定性,要担心缺衣少食、居无定所、财产被强夺。

    Without basic legal empowerment , the poor live an uncertain existence , in fear of deprivation , displacement and dispossession .

  23. 1直到今时,我们还是又饥,又渴,又赤身露体,又挨拳打,又居无定所;

    1 until the present hour we both hunger and thirst , and are naked and buffeted and wander without a home ;

  24. 根据考古学的证据,史前的人类祖先,例如能人,智人和山顶洞人都是居无定所的游民。

    According to archeological evidence , prehistoric human ancestors such as Homo habilis , Homo erectus , and Homo ergaster were nomadic .

  25. 随着孩子增多,而且雪莱在英格兰的名誉也是骇人听闻,1818年他前往意大利过着居无定所的生活。

    With a growing family and a lurid reputation within England , Shelley left for a peripatetic life in Italy in 1818 .

  26. 多项研究证实,由于生活困难和居无定所,他们极有可能再次犯罪。

    Several studies suggest that making it harder for sex offenders to find a home or a job makes them more likely to reoffend .

  27. 童年时代,母女俩居无定所,从收容所到福利旅馆,到临时住所,到亲戚家,搬来迁去。

    For much of Summer 's childhood , mother and daughter moved from shelter to welfare hotel to temporary room to a relative 's house .

  28. 大学毕业的母亲更懂得教育的重要,虽然父母因工作四海为家,居无定所,但尽可能保证了四个孩子受到良好教育。

    Understanding the importance of education , my mother , a college graduate , tried her best to ensure a good education for us four children .

  29. 这个男孩的中学生涯也因为这样的居无定所而不得不时常中断。这件事对你一定很难受。会不会对人的运动生涯造成不好的影响呢?

    The boy 's high school life was continually interrupted . Oh , this must be rough on you . Will it hurt your athletic career ?

  30. 居无定所每当大清早时她会去沃尔玛商场洗漱以免让同学闻到自己身上的臭味

    Homeless , going into department stores Wal-Mart in the morning to bathe herself , so that she wouldn 't smelling in front of her classmates .