
  • 网络Nipah
  1. 尼帕病毒引起人类急性脑炎,病死率高。

    Nipah virus causes acute encephalitis in human , with high mortality .

  2. 亨德拉病毒和尼帕病毒引起人类罹患严重的脑炎或呼吸道疾病。

    The Hendra and Nipah viruses cause severe illness in humans , characterized by inflammation of the brain or respiratory diseases .

  3. 但在随后发生的尼帕病毒疫情中并无中间宿主。

    However , in subsequent NiV outbreaks , there were no intermediate hosts .

  4. 尼帕病毒还可导致猪以及其它家畜生病。

    NiV is also capable of causing disease in pigs and other domestic animals .

  5. 尼帕病毒感染是造成动物和人严重患病的一种新出现的人畜共患疾病。

    Nipah virus ( NiV ) infection is a newly emerging zoonosis that causes severe disease in both animals and humans .

  6. 人感染尼帕病毒有一系列临床症状,从无症状感染到急性呼吸道综合征和致命脑炎不等。

    NiV infection in humans has a range of clinical presentations , from asymptomatic infection to acute respiratory syndrome and fatal encephalitis .

  7. “我研究过亨德拉和尼帕病毒,我的直觉是,蝙蝠很可能是自然宿主”,王博士说。

    " Given my background in Hendra and Nipah , I had a hunch that bats were perhaps the natural reservoir ," says Wang .

  8. 笔者对尼帕病毒的生物学特性和分子生物学特性、致病性、致病机理及实验室诊断方法进行了综述。

    The physical and chemical properties and molecular biological characteristics ; pathogenicity , pathogenesis and laboratory diagnostic methods of Nipah virus were reviewed in this article .

  9. 最近发行的好莱坞影片《传染病》根据王博士及其同事于20世纪90年代发现亨德拉/尼帕病毒的真实故事,刻画了对疾病疫情的普遍恐惧。

    Recently released Hollywood film Contagion taps into popular fears of disease outbreaks and is based on a true story – Wang and his colleagues ' discovery of the Hendra / Nipah viruses in the1990s .