
xiǎo miàn bāo
  • bun
  1. 桑迪把她的头发梳整成(小面包状的)卷发。

    Sandy is doing up her hair in a bun .

  2. 翌日,他在报社的办公室里画了一幅卡通画:一个小面包中夹着一只达克斯狗&不是达克斯香肠而是一只达克斯狗。

    The next day at the newspaper office he drew a bun with a dachshund inside-not a dachshund sausage , but a dachshund .

  3. 在这家小面包店的后厨,他结合设计的兴趣和烘焙的天赋创造出了奇迹——他用面粉、黄油和糖塑造出了美味的杰作。

    In the back room of the little bakery , his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wonders — he shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour , butter and sugar .

  4. 玛莎·麦克姆小姐在街道的拐角处开着一个小面包铺。

    Miss Martha Meacham kept the little bakery on the corner .

  5. 人们买了香肠夹在一种特制的小面包里。

    People got the sausages on buns , a special bread .

  6. 因为今天是做热十字小面包

    Because today is the day to make hot cross buns

  7. 蔷薇花状小面包-所以俾斯麦是个皇帝?

    Kaiser roll . - so is BISMARCK a kaiser ?

  8. 奶油小面包外面的一层巧克力都被舔光了。

    The chocolate coating has all been licked off the cream buns .

  9. Rattazzo还在菜单上增加了小面包和肉丸。

    Rattazzo added panino and meatballs to the menu .

  10. 刚出炉的小面包很好吃。

    Fresh from the oven , rolls are delicious .

  11. 我们在市中心的一家小面包房买的。

    We got it at this little bakery downtown .

  12. 鲍勃买了一大袋小面包喂这些小熊。

    Bob bought a big bag of buns to bait the baby bears .

  13. 鲍勃买了一书包的小面包。

    Bob bought a big bag of buns .

  14. 一汽拥有自主知识产权的产品包括卡车、客车、小面包和轿车等。

    FAW 's own-brand line-up includes trucks , buses , mini vans and cars .

  15. 唯一倒霉的是那家蛋糕房,“妈妈的小面包房”。

    The only losers are the big cheesecake conglomerate , Momma 's Little Bakery .

  16. 我们有酸卷心菜丝,小面包。

    Monica : OK , we got the cole slaw , we got the buns .

  17. 小面包里的大品牌

    Big Brand on Small Bread

  18. 一个小面包,几个土豆就很可以了,既少麻烦,又不肮脏。

    A little bread or a few potatoes would have done as well , with less trouble and filth .

  19. 他们把面团揉成小面包大小的面球,在每一个面包上面放一点油酥皮。

    They rolled it into small bun-sized balls and put a little pastry cross on the top of each bun .

  20. 在南边的戈里难民营里内,纳努莉。佩尔瓦利在为她的一家四口人烘烤小面包。

    To the south , at a refugee camp in Gori , Nanuli Pervashvili bakes rolls for her family of four .

  21. 道理很简单:这些词条都有细微的差别,不能简单地用饺子或小面包之类的词语一概而论。

    The rationale is clear : These items have subtle differences that cannot be conveyed with " dumpling " or " bun " .

  22. 一踏进农舍,我就闻到了奶奶专门为我做的小面包散发出来的酵母粉味道。

    Stepping into the farmhouse , I can smell the yeast rising on a miniature loaf of bread Grannie has made just for me .

  23. 楼下充满休闲气息,提供高档酒吧美食:松露爆米花、小面包干、风味派和北京烤鸭沙拉。

    The terrace has a casual vibe , serving upscale gastro-pub grub : truffle popcorn , flatbreads , savory pies and a salad made with Peking duck .

  24. 我“闻声”生意,以为“牛杂碎”是一种带果酱或红糖的小面包,但不明白它为什么会跟马铃薯一起上桌。

    I expected the sweetbreads to be like their name & some sort of bun with jam or brown sugar , but couldn'tsee why that would come with potatoes .

  25. 女主人一拿起餐巾时,你也就可以拿起你的餐巾,放在腿上。有时餐巾中包有一个小面包;

    As soon as the hostess picks up her napkin or " serviette ", pick yours up and lay it on your lap sometimes a roll of bread is wrapped in it ;

  26. 小米碳水化合物含量高,味浓,不能制膨松面包,主要用于小面包干及熬粥或焖饭。

    High in carbohydrates , they are somewhat strong in taste and cannot be made into leavened bread , so they are consumed mainly in flatbreads and porridges or prepared and eaten much like rice .

  27. 一块砸成像小面包一般的石头夹在两脚中间,一根绳索缚着石头,系在他的艇子上,使他可以很快地到海底下来。

    A stone cut in the shape of a sugar loaf , which he gripped between his feet while a rope connected it to his boat , served to lower him more quickly to the ocean floor .

  28. 于是那个丈夫抱了他的亲族和朋友让他自己放入另一个装尸的架子,有着一锅的水和七块小面包,如此也同样的葬下了。

    Then the husband , embracing his kindred and friends , let himself be placed on another bier , with a pot of water , and seven small loaves , and waw led down in the same manner .

  29. 一大早,我们分乘两辆汽车从东方宾馆出发。美国商会的会长、也是美国一家大银行的负责人乘的是小轿车,而我们剩下的人则坐上一辆日本小面包。

    We set off from the Dongfang Hotel early one morning in two vehicles : a sedan for the Amcham President , who was the head of a big American bank , and a Japanese minibus for the rest of us .

  30. 如果火太小,面包就烤不成。

    The bread will not bake if the fire is too small .