
  • 网络GREENS;green vegetable
  1. 她洗净了做沙拉的绿色蔬菜,并用沙拉调料拌匀。

    She washed the salad greens and mixed them with the dressing .

  2. 绿色蔬菜:试试用鳄梨和水煮蛋做早餐沙拉。

    Greens and vegetables : Try a breakfast salad with avocado and hard-boiled eggs .

  3. 在那个地方,几乎任何绿色蔬菜或水果都可以给牛吃。

    In that part of the world you can feed cattle on almost any green vegetable or fruit

  4. 它能让小农场主每小时收获175磅绿色蔬菜,这比手工收获几十磅的蔬菜有了巨大的进步,这使得他们有可能能够与加州的大农场竞争。

    It enables small-scale farmers to harvest 175 pounds of green vegetables per hour — a huge improvement over harvesting just a few dozen pounds by hand — suddenly making it possible for the little guys to compete with large farms of California .

  5. 拒绝甜点。吃绿色蔬菜。只用植物油。

    Refuse sweet cakes.Eat green vegetables.Use only vegetable oil .

  6. 绿色蔬菜叶绿体DNA的提取和纯化

    Extraction and Purification ctDNA in Green Leaves Vegetables

  7. 基于GIS技术的区域绿色蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价

    Evaluation of suitability and quality of regional green vegetable field based on GIS

  8. GIS支持下的区域绿色蔬菜地适宜性及其质量评价&以厦门市同安区为例

    The Evaluation on Suitability and Quality to Green Vegetable Production Fields in Tongan District

  9. 目的:β-胡萝卜素(β-Carotene,βC)是类胡萝卜素的一种,广泛存在于黄绿色蔬菜与水果中,作为一种生物抗氧化剂,其防癌、抗癌功效得到广泛关注。

    OBJECTIVE : - carotene ( C ) is one kind of carotenoids and widely present in food supply such as fruit and vegetable .

  10. 在中国加入WTO至际,汉中市提出了把绿色蔬菜产业作为汉中农业的支柱产业之一来发展。

    When China joins WTO , Hanzhong suggested green vegetables industry as one of the pillar industries of the agriculture of Hanzhong to develop .

  11. 当蔬菜和水果的摄入总量2倍于动物食品,或绿色蔬菜的摄入量达到蔬菜总摄入量的2/3时,儿童可望获得理想的维生素C摄入水平。

    When intake of vegetables and fruits doubled that of animal food , or the intake of green vegetables was 2 / 3 of total vegetable food , children may obtain perfect intake of vitamin C.

  12. 莴笋叶、芹菜、菠菜等绿色蔬菜经K2CO3、NaOH和锌液护色后取汁;

    Lettuce leaves , celery , spinach are first immersed in K_2CO_3 , NaOH and Zn solution to keep color , and then they can be extracted .

  13. 天然维生素E广泛存在于绿色蔬菜和植物种子中,由于它比合成的维生素E有较高的生理活性,特别是抗氧化功能,因而它不仅是食品中的营养强化剂,又是抗氧化保健食品的配料。

    Natural vitamin E widely exists in green vegetables and plant seeds . Because it has higher physiological activities than synthetic vitamin E , especially its antioxidant functions , so it is not only a nutrition enhancer in food , but also an ingredient of antioxidant health food .

  14. 就像端一杯星巴克(Starbucks)咖啡已经成为明星时尚配件、肩上挎个瑜伽垫标志着某种对精神健身的忠诚一样,带一瓶清澈的绿色蔬菜汁也已经演化成一种身份象征。

    Just as carrying a Starbucks coffee cup has become a celebrity fashion accessory and a slung-over-the-shoulder yoga mat can signify a certain devotion to spiritual fitness , porting a clear bottle of green vegetable juice has evolved into a status symbol .

  15. 例如,在采矿部门工作的中国人每周三次派面包车到Kamilombe购买大量的绿色蔬菜,如用于他们烹调的卷心菜。

    For example , the Chinese community , working in the mining sector , buys large quantities of green vegetables like cabbage for their cuisine , sending a van three times a week to Kamilombe .

  16. 我国绿色蔬菜出口难原因何在?

    Why is it difficult for China to export green vegetables ?

  17. 然而,并非所有的绿色蔬菜都对保持身材苗条有好处。

    However , not all greens are good for the waistline .

  18. 肉类,鱼类和绿色蔬菜中发现有烟酸。

    Niacin is found in meat , fish and green vegetables .

  19. 我们经常吃绿色蔬菜,因为我们有一个蔬菜园。

    We often eat green vegetables because we have a vegetable garden .

  20. 无公害蔬菜、绿色蔬菜及有机蔬菜的生产

    Product of non-pollutant vegetable 、 green vegetable and organic vegetable

  21. 沙拉中使用的绿色蔬菜或食用植物,尤指莴苣。

    A green vegetable or herb used in salad , especially lettuce .

  22. 绿色蔬菜汁中叶绿素稳定性研究

    Study on the stability of Chlorophyll in Green Vegetable Juice

  23. 论绿色蔬菜开发的意义和途径

    Study on Significance of Green Vegetable and its Developing Way

  24. 建立科学的规范化的绿色蔬菜生产程序;

    Build scientific and normalized productive procedures for green vegetables ;

  25. 本品适合于伴着烤面包片及绿色蔬菜和柠檬楔食用。

    Serve over greens with croutons and a lemon wedge .

  26. 绿色蔬菜繁多

    full of vegetables with lots of color in them .

  27. 设施有机生态型绿色蔬菜无土栽培生产技术

    Green Vegetable of Facilities Organic Ecotype Soilless Planting Technique

  28. 你的母亲是正确的-绿色蔬菜对你有益!

    Your mother was right-greens are good for you !

  29. 并且讲了一节多的绿色蔬菜,

    and on one more stanza about green plants ,

  30. 我只吃绿色蔬菜和水果。

    I only eat green vegetables and fruits .