
  1. 切尔滕纳姆曾是个拥有1500人口的小集镇。

    Cheltenham had been a small market town with a population of1500 .

  2. 他穿过一个名叫洛克比的小集镇。

    He went through the little market town of Lockerbie .

  3. 传统城市重新繁荣,新兴城市拔地而起,农村小集镇蓬勃发展。

    The traditional city prospered again . A lot of new city appeared .

  4. 谈小集镇水厂工程建设

    On engineering construction of townlet waterworks

  5. 在他们去往一个小集镇的路上,斯克罗吉认出了每一片田野,每一处城堡和每一棵树木。

    Scrooge recognized every field , post , and tree , as they walked along the road towards a little market town .