
  • 网络Microcredit;Microfinance;micro-finance
  1. 想想看起来像手机这样看似无害的东西——我们在光谱的一端有小额信贷和基于文本的社交网络,另一端又有临时制作的爆炸装置。

    Think of something as seemingly benign as the cellphone - we have microfinance and text-based social networking at one end of the spectrum , and improvised explosive devices at the other .

  2. 小额信贷(Microfinance),指对低收入的人群和微型企业所提供的无需抵押物的金融服务。

    Microfinance is non-collateral financial service which provide to low-income crowd and mini-enterprise .

  3. 最后,借助F市的小额信贷数据,本文对改进前后的商业化小额信贷模式的绩效进行了实证检验。

    Finally , microfinance data with F City papers before and after the improvement of the performance of the commercial credit model empirical test .

  4. GB模式是国际上公认成功的小额信贷模式之一,世界上110多个国家和地区都以GB模式为设计模板进行小额信贷实践并取得良好效果。

    GB model is a template for many organizations to design their practices of microfinance in more than 110 countries and regions , and most replications of GB model have worked well .

  5. P2P网络借贷不同于银行和小额信贷公司,而是致力于为有融资需求和投资意愿的人牵线搭桥,为闲置的民间资本寻找投资出口。

    P2P Loan is different from banks and microfinance companies , but is committed to provide a channel for who needs financing and who has willings to invest . It also provides investment outlets for idle private capitals .

  6. 小额信贷(microfinance)是在一定区域内,在特定的制度安排下,按特定的目标向贫困人口直接提供贷款资金及综合技术服务的一种特殊的信贷方式。

    Microfinance is a special form of credit to provide direct loan capital and the comprehensive technology services to poverty-stricken population in a certain region , according to specific objectives and particular institutional arrangements .

  7. 诺贝尔奖得主、创办小额信贷先驱乡村银行(grameenbank)的穆罕默德尤努斯(muhammadyunus)呼吁对全球金融体系进行全面改革,以使非常贫穷的人也能获得金融服务。

    Muhammad Yunus , the Nobel laureate and founder of the microcredit pioneering Grameen Bank , has called for an overhaul of the global financial system to make services available to the very poor .

  8. SKS上市引发了一场道德辩论:小额信贷机构最初往往是非营利机构,他们是否应当靠贷款给穷人而牟利?

    That offering ignited an ethical debate about whether microfinance lenders – many of which start as nonprofits – should earn profits by making loans to the poor .

  9. 本文的特色及创新之处在于,借鉴国内外小额信贷管理研究理论,结合案例实践分析,通过对小额贷款公司进行SWOT分析,提出小额贷款公司产品开发的对策和建议。

    The characteristic of this thesis is , draw lessons from domestic and international credit management theory , combined with the practice cases analysis , through loans to small companies to undertake SWOT is analysed , put forward the petty loan company product development countermeasure and proposal .

  10. 该计划的灵感来自小额信贷创始人、范德堡大学毕业生穆罕穆德尤努斯(muhammadyunus)的工作,目标是赋予学生制定商业计划的工具,帮助发展中国家减少贫困。

    The programme takes as its inspiration the work of Muhammad Yunus , the microfinance pioneer and a Vanderbilt graduate , and aims to give students the tools with which to create business plans that can help reduce poverty in the developing world .

  11. 小额信贷机构应明白自身的盈亏平衡利率,为政府补贴、贷款价格制定提供参考。

    Micro-credit institutions in China should know their break-even interest rate .

  12. 小额信贷是指向穷人发放无抵押的小额贷款。

    This involves lending small amounts to poor people without collateral .

  13. 农村小额信贷可持续发展的思考

    Thinking on the Sustainable Development of Tiny loan in Rural Area

  14. 扶贫小额信贷对农村贫困妇女的影响

    Impact Brought to Rural Women by Micro-finance Aiming to Poverty Reduction

  15. 最后提出我国小额信贷发展模式的建议。

    Finally I made the proposals about the model of Microfinance .

  16. 本章主要阐述路径如下:首先刻画了小额信贷市场环境和小额信贷的异质性。

    Firstly , it describes market environment and heterogeneity of micro-credit .

  17. 这些因素都是造成我国小额信贷行业风险产生的原因。

    All these factors cause risk in micro-credit in our country .

  18. 为小额信贷发展创造良好的社会环境

    Create Favorable Social Environment for the Development of Microfinance Credit Cycles

  19. 小额信贷提供了改善生活,摆脱贫困的机会。

    Microcredit offers a chance to improve lives and reduce poverty .

  20. 小额信贷积极作用浅议

    A Brief Talk on the Positive Effect of Small Credit

  21. 二是小额信贷在我国的发展环境问题。

    Second , the environmental problems of microfinance in China .

  22. 第二章介绍国家有关小额信贷的政策安排。

    Then Chapter Two introduces the state policy and system about Micro-credit .

  23. 多目标决策的农户小额信贷绩效评价模型研究

    Study on Multi-objective Decision-making of Performance Evaluation Model of Household 's Micro-finance

  24. 加快发展农村商业性小额信贷问题研究

    Research on Accelerating the Commercial Microfinance Development in Rural Area

  25. 农户小额信贷风险:表现、成因与应对策略

    Peasant Household Microfinance Risks : Manifestation , Origin and Countermeasure

  26. 移动和无线技术对许多小额信贷服务来说将非常重要。

    Mobile or wireless technology will be important to many microfinance services .

  27. 团体贷款运用于小额信贷的理论探索

    The theory exploration of group loan utilizing in the micro-credit

  28. 小额信贷;农村金融;供求不平衡;

    Microfinance ; rural finance ; supply and demand imbalance ;

  29. 扎实抓好小额信贷工作;

    To do well in the work of small credit ;

  30. 此行的目的是帮助小额信贷行业的专家交流想法。

    The goal is help microfinance industry experts share ideas .